
55 Results
51. Promised / Not Promised
I remember Christmas disappointments; left-winger equipment instead of goalie equipment; toboggan instead of pool table... Anybody remember theirs? The problem many times as children is that we are not clear on what was promised.
36. The Problem of Procrastination
In this devotional, the focus is on procrastinators, urging them to overcome the habit by highlighting its negative consequences, such as missed opportunities, entrenched laziness, and the erroneous assumption of ample time, all while drawing on biblical wisdom from Solomon and James to emphasize the importance of timely action and the unpredictability of life.
40. Guarding Against Greed
We need to protect ourselves against continually desiring what we don't have or constantly craving more of what we do.
The Modern Church
It seems that there are three elements that help identify the "modern" church. One is a focus on music in worship. Orchestras, choirs, even drama with music are a must if a church is to appeal to today's church goer.
Faithful in Little Things
The shooting deaths of the Amish girls in the U.S. has brought into much sharper focus what Jesus meant when He said that those who are faithful in small things are faithful in greater things as well (Lk.16:10).
4. Improving the Effectiveness of our Adult Bible Class Teaching
A teacher of God's word, no matter the level or scope is one of the most important and influential roles in congregations. It is so important that it was among the final words of our Lord as he was preparing to ascend back into heaven.
5. 3 Basic Steps of Teaching
Teaching involves a basic three-step process: preparation, delivery, and evaluation.
6. Guidelines for Lecture Presentations
A lecture is a common technique used in most Bible class presentations. It can range from a formal, one-way presentation or an informal presentation where questions are encouraged.
7. Guidelines for Guided Discussion Classes
The guided discussion is one of the most effective methods used for Bible study lessons. It is also one of the most challenging to use.