
97 Results
The Consequences of our Choices
What we choose in life often indicates where we are at in our development and what we really want.
Why Some Won't Make It
The text discusses the Christian belief in heaven and hell, emphasizing the importance of faith and the consequences of disbelief, urging readers to consider their own beliefs and choices.
Judas: The Epilogue
Reflecting on the consequences of Judas' betrayal, it is crucial not to excuse his actions but to learn from his mistakes and strive for faithfulness in our own lives.
Don't - Just do it
Consider the impact of media influence on your decisions and actions, questioning motives and consequences before simply following the trends.
32. Where Does Evil Come From?
Discover the origin of evil and sin in the world, exploring the concept of disobedience and its consequences through a thought-provoking analogy between God, humanity, and the choices that shape our future.
Twister Religion
The recent storms that spawned at least a dozen tornadoes across the state of Oklahoma in the U.S. also sparked a spike in some peoples' faith.
Doing the Right Thing
Embrace the challenge of consistently choosing the right path in Christianity, guided by biblical principles, despite the opposition and inevitable mistakes along the way.
He Could've Been a Role Model
Tommy Morrison, the heavyweight boxer from Oklahoma, has tested positive for the H.I.V. virus. He faced the media with this announcement recently and finished his news conference with the words, "I could have been a role model but I blew my chance."
Just a Minute
Exercise self-control and savor the rewards of a single extra minute before indulging in that tempting treat.
Christian is a Christian
Four Questions to Ask Before Baptizing a Child
I recently baptized our eldest grandson, Christian. He is nine years old and because of his age I had some hesitation before going ahead with his baptism.
4. The Fall of Israel and Judah
Part 2
In this final lesson, Mike will summarize the lives and rule of the remaining kings of Judah before its defeat and captivity, as well as provide a description of Jewish life while in exile.
II Kings 18-25
6. Wisdom Against Foolishness and for Christlikeness
The final lesson in the series reviews one last failing that wisdom guards us from and explores the affinity shared by all those who seek the knowledge of Christ with the wisdom of Solomon.
3. The Kings of Judah
This one lesson overview provides a summary of the kings who ruled the Southern Kingdom of Judah with emphasis on their role in God's plan to ultimately fulfill His promises to bring the Messiah to the world.
II Chronicles 1-36
In both the Old and New Testaments, God calls people for unique purposes—from leaders and prophets in ancient Israel to Mary, Joseph, and the apostles in the New Testament—emphasizing that, while the age of miraculous callings has ended, God still calls individuals today through Scripture to salvation, sanctification, service, and perseverance.
Freedom, Slavery and Heaven
Reflect on the profound message of being freed from sin and becoming slaves of righteousness, pondering the practical implications in your everyday life and the pursuit of what is right.
2. David's Rise and Reign
This lesson groups together the events in King David's life that appear in several books of that period (Samuel, Kings, Chronicles) as well as accounts that are exclusively found in Chronicles.
I Chronicles 10-29
3. The Fall of Israel and Judah
Part 1
This lesson briefly reviews the reigns of both northern and southern kings noting each ruler's faithfulness and significant activity taking place under their rule.
II Kings 1-17