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Evangelism is Job #1
4. The Preacher's Job Description
In I Corinthians 14, Paul mentions that there are three primary tasks that the apostle lists concerning the work of the preacher.
I Corinthians 14:3
Why Me, Why Now?
One thing you learn a lot about as a minister is suffering and death. You're among the first to be called when there is illness and the last person to see the dead as they are buried at their funerals.
The Deacon of Blame
I've often said that the church should appoint a deacon in charge of blame - the deacon of blame. That way when anything ever goes wrong, or something doesn't get done, this deacon's only job would be to accept the blame for it.
The 3 R's in Labor Day
The last thing we want to do on the Labor Day weekend is think about "work." But before we leave for the lake or start on the Labor Day project, let's spend a moment reviewing a few main ideas that the Bible has about our work that might be helpful when we get back to the job after the holiday is over.
Love's Goodbye
In my job as a minister I have watched many people die. As awful as this sounds, there is a sameness to the process that, with time...