
Short talks on current events and every day topics from a Christian perspective. Useful as devo messages or discussion starters for small groups.
105 Devos
Slavery to Perfection
In Romans 6:17-18 Paul says, But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been freed from...
Secret Sin
In 2006, American evangelist Ted Haggard admitted publicly that he had carried on a secret affair with a male prostitute. This news rocked his 7,000 member "New Life" church and caused great shock and...
Our Body and Blood
The idea of taking the communion in order to "remember" the sacrifice of Jesus is a safe spiritual idea. It only requires us to commemorate what someone else has done for us, and not what we might be...
Not All Will Die
One of my more selfish prayers has always been that God would spare me the experience of death. Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too, I want to go to Heaven and I want to avoid death in the...
The Millionaire Mirage
Inasmuch as television mirrors our society, the recent quiz shows offering millions of dollars to contestants are accurate reflections of a nation obsessed with money. Whether it's by answering a few...
Blind Love
In the tenth chapter of his gospel, Mark describes a scene where Jesus heals a blind man who had been desperately calling out to Him for help. Once restored of his vision, the evangelist says that the...
Common Ground
Every election produces a catchphrase that summarizes the political objectives of one party or the other. FDR's "New Deal" or Lyndon Johnson with the "Great Society" are examples to which it seems President...
Angry Skies
Dear Lord, I know why these things happen and that they happen even to us, your children. We are always in your hands and for better or worse, we continue to trust in you. This was the prayer our family...
Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. - John 19:1. When I try to imagine the reality of these words, I become indignant. What impudence, what arrogance, what monumental ignorance for a godless petty...
Getting the Rite Right
For the Jews, circumcision was a rite of passage that permitted them to claim all of the promises made to God's chosen people (Genesis 17:11-14). From Abraham to Jesus, every Jew was required to undergo...
Dare You
In Ephesians 3:20, Paul says that God can do more than we dare ask. Have you ever wondered why we usually are timid in the things we ask God for? Perhaps some of the reasons: 1. Too Much Change We don...
In Defense of the Sedentary Life
I gave up on forced exercise at the age of fifty-four. It might have been because my laziness finally overcame my pride but I suspect that the main reason was guilt. I became tired not of the effort of...
Our Witness To This World
By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world,- Hebrews 11:7a In discussing Noah and the...
Think of your worst sin. It could be that you aborted a child long ago. Perhaps you secretly harbor shameful thoughts or desires. Your worst sin could be a treachery against a loyal friend or partner....
Don't - Just do it
Advertising used to be about making a product desirable or demonstrating why one was better than the others. Today, the product itself is irrelevant. Jean ads are about sex; shoe commercials define your...
Judas: The Epilogue
I don't know anyone by the name, "Judas." It seems that no one wants to be associated in any way with the man who betrayed Jesus. This being the case, I wonder why so many try to save Judas posthumously...
God Loves... Even Superman
Christopher Reeves, who played Superman in the movies, broke his neck in a riding accident. Doctors reported that he would probably be completely paralyzed. My first response was that morbid kind of curiosity...
Goodfinder Trait
Recently, a research team studied the profiles of one hundred people who had scored highest on testing that measured personal happiness. Of all the traits among these successful, stable and highly content...
What More do you Want?
I never do enough. I mean that as a parent or husband or minister, I never do everything that needs to be done or ought to be done. Even though the basics get covered and I manage to get enough done to...
My Retirement
The other day I found myself all in a flux over retirement. It seems that my pension wasn't what it was supposed to be. Investment specialists reminded me over the radio, through the mail, even at lectureships...
It's a Comforting Thought...
It's a comforting thought that God will not place a burden on us that we can't carry. Paul put it this way, ...and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with...
Beyond "An Eye for an Eye"
The recent suicide bombings in Israel continue the rapid disintegration of both the Israeli and Palestinian people. The bomber surely caused a moment of malevolent satisfaction among the oppressed Palestinians...
You Have got to Show it
Solomon said, Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed.- Proverbs 27:5 I think that both are required in life: correction and love. There are times when a friend or saint in the church needs...
What My Sore Back Has Taught Me
One day you pick up a box or a book and "snap", you join the legions of back pain sufferers. I experienced the usual therapy and advice from my doctor who said, "manage the pain as best you can". This...