
Short talks on current events and every day topics from a Christian perspective. Useful as devo messages or discussion starters for small groups.
105 Devos
Keeping Up
They said computers would simplify our lives. They didn't tell us that this would only happen if we kept up with the software upgrades. Seriously though, haven't you noticed that it's getting more and...
Passover Sleep
One thing the quiet of night affords you is the time and silence to hear yourself think of all the things that might go wrong with your life. It must have been such a moment that drove my youngest daughter...
Joy of Irresponsibility
I don't think anyone would argue the fact that becoming a responsible person is a worthy goal. However, too much of this good thing can lead to burn our or (when it comes to religion) legalism. Let us...
Even Kings and Queens...
The announcement of the royal divorce between Diana and Charles provides an example of how not to stay married. Most would think that to be rich and famous would be a pretty good start to a successful...
Psychologists often use the method of "role-play" in order to help their patients understand themselves and others better. This counseling tool works well because there is the "actor" in all of us and...
The Ritual of Dying
After witnessing death so often, I have come to notice that many people often neglect an important part of this very natural part of life. Sudden, accidental death notwithstanding, the probability of...
Mining the Word
For years I failed at developing the habit of daily Bible reading until I began using a notebook. Now I read a portion of the word each day and note whatever new information and ideas I discover. Using...
Intensity vs. Accuracy
In the fifteenth chapter of his prophetic book, Isaiah pronounces God's judgment on the Moabite nation and their idolatrous practices. Their response, he predicts, will be to intensify their religious...
Midnight Watch
One twenty in the morning and I still cannot sleep. I have been in prayer for over two hours reviewing before the Lord the possible dimensions of our new building. Of course what is keeping me awake is...