
Short talks on current events and every day topics from a Christian perspective. Useful as devo messages or discussion starters for small groups.
105 Devos
Him or Me
Those who let themselves be controlled by their lower natures live only to please themselves, but those who follow after the Holy Spirit find themselves doing those things that please God.- Romans 8:5...
Abstinence vs. Moderation
There is a saying that goes, "All things in moderation." The idea is that so long as you are moderate it's okay to try anything. The more accurate saying is, "All things permissible in moderation," since...
The Best Things Are Free
The fact that Solomon was the wisest man ever is not a conclusion drawn from reading his books, it is a declaration about him made by God (I Kings 3:10-13). The Lord gave Solomon a measure of wisdom that...
Feel of Salvation
It has often been said that in matters of salvation we shouldn't trust our feelings. Of course, we cannot discern the truth from false doctrine merely by using our emotions; we need reason and intelligence...
Best of Both Worlds
At the end of the third chapter of Ecclesiastes, Solomon concludes that the greatest blessing God gives to man on earth is the ability to enjoy the "…fruit of his labor…" (Ecclesiastes 3...
Happy Dying
They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die. If it is so, this must explain why Christians die happy. David says it this way, The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord, He is their...
Pruning with a Purpose
Most gardeners will tell you that there's no growth without rigorous pruning. Dead or unproductive branches, vines, and growth need to be cut away so that the healthy plants can bloom. This same process...
The Discipline of Failure
What do David, the woman at the well, and Peter the Apostle have in common? They were all failures. David committed adultery and murder; the Samaritan woman failed at marriage five times; and Peter, well...
Forever Thanksgiving
We'd be selfish and rude if we didn't give thanks or at least feel appreciative for the abundance we have here in America. There is much to be thankful for, most of it too obvious to ignore. But is you...
Clinging Faith
I wondered what to do as the elderly saint before me struggled with the ravages of old age. It seems that when a situation makes no sense, we, in some way, have to create sense out of it. The last days...
Just A Minute
Over the years I've learned that the difference between sin and no sin is about one extra minute of self control. Take doughnuts for example. Whenever I eat them I pay a terrible price "digestively" speaking...
Successful Parenting
In his book, "Four Things Every Parent Should Know," John Croyle reviews four basic things that contribute to successful parenting. 1. Love them unconditionally Children need to know that parents will...
Christ Lovers
You can always spot them, the Christ lovers. I think it has something to do with gravity. If left alone, those who love the Lord will continually move towards Him and those things that concern Him. A...
Getting Beyond the Rules
In Exodus 21:2 we read the instructions that God gave the Israelites concerning the treatment of slaves. Although the Jews were involved in the universal practice of slavery at that time, the treatment...
Decisions, Decisions
According to various studies people make about 612 decisions each day. Some are involuntary where the brain sends messages to your body to follow through on and others are voluntary because you have to...
Grass Wisdom
Have you ever wondered, as you sweat through another lawn mowing season, why you bothered to fertilize the stuff to begin with? I contemplated this grass wisdom the other day as I crawled through my shrubs...
Present Pain, Future Gain
People of faith…great faith, were those who continued serving God even though they couldn't see the bigger picture. For example, Noah couldn't understand the ultimate results of the great flood...
History vs. Racism
When called upon to defend his preaching to the Jewish leaders of the time, Peter the Apostle replied, "…Men of Israel why do you marvel at this … you disowned the Holy and Righteous One...
Invisible Gifts
Have you ever noticed that as you and your family grow older, there are fewer gifts under the Christmas tree? When our kids were small the living room was filled with presents of every size as each child...
Baseball Blues
I wonder just how much children really enjoy their parents' presence at their games. I sat among a group of moms and dads recently who had turned out to cheer on their kids at a school baseball tournament...
Lord Will Provide
Christians live by the promises of God. One such promise is found in the book of Psalms, They (the righteous) will not be ashamed in the time of evil; and in the days of famine, they will have abundance...
Why I Am Happy
A great exercise to get your life into perspective is to ask yourself if you are really happy or not. Since this is a private thing, you can be brutally honest and in so doing, take inventory of your...
Tomorrow's Sin
It is always harder to give up tomorrow's sin. Today's challenge is, well, here today. We are facing it and have the resources and presence of mind to focus on it and overcome it if we want to. Today'...
Delayed Glorification
One of the things we as a society have pretty much eliminated is the ability to delay our gratification. Whether it be a burger or a standard of living, we want what we want now! This attitude has had...