
102 Results
The Good Steward
Everybody Has a War to Fight
Discover how to engage in the vital spiritual battle we're called to fight and learn how Jesus equips us with the resources we need, whether as parents, students, or ministers, to overcome our unique challenges.
In Case of War
If we understand the times and circumstances correctly, the time for war has come upon us and as Christians we need to be prepared for this fact.
Which War Are You Fighting?
There is a lot of talk concerning war these days. The war on America, war on drugs, and the war against youth violence to name a few.
Reward and Punishment
When I was in Junior High my English teacher taught our class how to write a "precis". A precis is a shortened version of an essay or article that maintains the meaning of the original piece of writing.
The Unholy Blessing of Same-Sex Marriage
A review of the progress of the same-sex marriage crusade along with what this means for Christians going forward.
Evangelizing Homosexuals
We need to evangelize this growing number of people but are usually hard-pressed to know where to begin. This lesson provides some information towards this end.
Random Blessings
Sometimes God surprises us. Not just with big things but with random blessings that sprinkle our day with evidence of His constant love and incredible kindness towards us. Here are a few random blessings that immediately come to mind.
Divine Justice
As the execution of Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, approaches there will surely be a rise in the debate over the issue of the death penalty. Unfortunately, both sides often talk, over each others' heads and the discussion rarely moves toward any kind of resolution.
The 10 Stages of Motherhood
Every parent looks forward to the day when their child will truly understand what being a parent is all about