Free Bible Studies for Every Book of the Bible

We are in the process of completing a Bible study for every book. Here is what we have and haven't completed yet.
Old Testament
I & II Chronicles
Premiering April 3rd
Post Production
Song of Solomon
Post Production
Jeremiah / Lamentations
Filming Soon
In Development
Completed     New Testament
Matthew for Beginners
Mark for Beginners
Luke/Acts for Beginners
Gospel of John
Grace in the Book of Romans
I Corinthians for Beginners
II Corinthians for Beginners
Galatians for Beginners
Ephesians for Beginners
Philippians for Beginners
Colossians for Beginners
I & II Thessalonians
I Timothy for Beginners
II Timothy for Beginners
Titus for Beginners
Philemon for Beginners
James for Beginners
I & II Peter
I, II & III John for Beginners
Jude for Beginners
Daniel/Revelation for Beginners