Worth It
32 Results
Money Matters - Part 1
God Bless You - Mike and Family
Mike reflects on the challenges and blessings of a faithful journey. He shares heartfelt experiences of enduring personal trials, maintaining strong family bonds, and growing in faith through it all. This lesson offers inspiration for anyone facing life's ups and downs, encouraging them to remain steadfast in their belief and trust in God's plan.
Sure or Unsure?
Why Me, Why Now?
One thing you learn a lot about as a minister is suffering and death. You're among the first to be called when there is illness and the last person to see the dead as they are buried at their funerals.
The Cost of Church Growth
The Disciple and Service
In this lesson, we learn the basic requirements for becoming and persevering as disciples of Christ.
Matthew 20:28
The Consequences of our Choices
What we choose in life often indicates where we are at in our development and what we really want.
What You Should 'Get' Out of Worship
In this sermon, Mike challenges the common attitude of assessing church attendance based on personal gain, arguing that church life should involve both giving and receiving; specifically, attendees should experience a genuine sense of God's presence during worship, beyond mere obligation or habit.