
High School
30 Results
Lords of the Ring
Mike gives three tried and true principles that will help you to learn one of life's most important lessons - finishing what you start.
Teachers' Remembered
I don't recall much of the material we studied in High School an eon ago when I was at that point of my life but I do remember some of my teachers. I can still see Mr. Blanchard trying to teach me the intricacies of Algebra, long after the last bell had rung for the day.
3. How to Grow A Preacher
One of the greatest struggles that some men have is to decide if they're going to go into ministry. This lesson provides direction for those who desire this calling.
Religious Education
How many people here went to Catholic school as children? I ask this because I want to see how many people here today can relate to my own experience growing up in Montreal and going to Catholic school. One of the features of my early education was the presence of religious training.
The Promise Land
A lesson that parallels an immigrant's experience with the experience of Christians who come into the kingdom and seek the promise of heaven.
To Proclaim and Serve
Mary - The Single Parent
A look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a woman, wife, and ultimately, a widow.
Soul Saving Speech
I Thessalonians 2:1-12
Let's Get Ready to Rumble
Ephesians 6:10-20
Evangelizing Homosexuals
We need to evangelize this growing number of people but are usually hard-pressed to know where to begin. This lesson provides some information towards this end.