Acts 13
41 Results
3. How to Grow A Preacher
One of the greatest struggles that some men have is to decide if they're going to go into ministry. This lesson provides direction for those who desire this calling.
Too Full to Fast... Too Fast to Pray
Fasting used to be part of the regular spiritual exercises of the early church. They fasted as part of their ministry of worship to the Lord.
Drawing Near to God
Part 2
As Christians we have many challenges before us. Prayer and fasting is the best way we can present these before God.
James 4:8-10
Ten Reasons Not to Go to Montreal
Mike shares his journey of faith and gratitude towards those who supported his mission to preach the gospel in Montreal, highlighting the importance of stepping out in faith despite challenges and doubts.
Prayer and Fasting
The spiritual use, benefits, and practice of the combined spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting are examined within a biblical context.
The Consequences of our Choices
What we choose in life often indicates where we are at in our development and what we really want.
Drawing Near to God
Part 1
If you are making an effort to come closer to God, if you are investing your energies into becoming a holier person, you will not have the interest or energy to fight with your brothers or sister in the church.
James 4:8-10
Spiritual Emergencies
Sometimes in our lives, we face spiritual emergencies and I think we need to learn to prepare for these events as well, because everyone at one time or another will .. face a "spiritual" emergency of some kind.
II Samuel 12:7-25