71 Results
Which War Are You Fighting?
There is a lot of talk concerning war these days. The war on America, war on drugs, and the war against youth violence to name a few.
Foundations of our Faith
The Church of Christ distinguishes itself by its commitment to following the Bible as the sole authority, emphasizing restorationism and biblical accuracy in its approach to Christianity.
Moderation and Abstinence
Highlighting the dangers of moderation in promoting vices, the speaker emphasizes the importance of abstaining from alcohol for health, addiction, financial, and legal reasons, urging Christians to seek higher standards and avoid enslavement to worldly habits.
How to Avoid Materialism
Materialism is a very subtle attack against our faith, against our soul. It creeps into your life because we have to deal every day with material. In this lesson, we will look at ways to beat it.
The Silver Servers
The importance of older saints in the church and their responsibility to teach and guide the younger generation is highlighted in a powerful lesson based on Titus chapter 2.
Cults and Their Effects - Part 1
Understanding the difference between cults and true Christianity is crucial to protecting your mind and faith, as cults aim to control and manipulate individuals through deceit and coercion, while the church promotes freedom, study, questioning, and service to the community in the name of Jesus Christ.
Evangelism and the Life of the Church
Do You Know My Jesus?
I'll share with you how the Holy Spirit evangelized me and what this has meant in my life.
The Chosen Wives
In selecting deacons, Paul emphasizes that their wives should possess qualities that support their husband's role, as their character can significantly impact his ability to serve effectively in the church, aligning with the biblical ideal of mutual partnership outlined in Genesis.
The Dream Church
The ideal church, as described in the New Testament, is characterized by a single leader, Jesus Christ, a unified body, a commitment to holiness, a mission to preach the gospel, and a systematic approach to fulfilling this mission, inviting individuals to reflect on their role in becoming part of this dream church.
The Missing Ingredient
We need to listen carefully so we can make sure we have the right recipe for our own hope of eternal life as well.
Mark 10:17-22
Repentance is a Revolution
Bible Basics
Mike explains how true repentance goes beyond feeling sorrow for sins—it's about a complete transformation of heart and lifestyle. He emphasizes that repentance is a bold, revolutionary act that turns one's life toward God, creating lasting change. This lesson challenges believers to rethink their understanding of repentance and embrace it as a powerful force for spiritual growth.
Acts 2:38
The Beauty of the Cross
In the book of Joshua, we see a parallel to our own journey of faith, where despite the sure promise of salvation, we are encouraged to be strong and courageous in facing the challenges of leading others to Christ and overcoming our own weaknesses and doubts.
How to Correct Sinful Christians
Mike emphasizes the importance of addressing the struggles of sin within the church community, particularly for long-standing Christians, while shifting the focus from evangelism to support and guidance for those already in the faith, using Paul's letter to the Corinthians as a foundational reference.