
88 Results
Successful Parenting
Encouraging parents to delve into John Croyle's insightful book on successful parenting, emphasizing the importance of unconditional love, belief in children, discipline, and continuous effort in shaping their future.
Evangelism is Job #1
In this sermon, Mike emphasizes that evangelism is the primary mission of the church, citing Jesus' initial directive to spread the gospel as foundational to all other church ministries, which only become relevant after successful evangelistic efforts have begun.
Evangelizing Homosexuals
We need to evangelize this growing number of people but are usually hard-pressed to know where to begin. This lesson provides some information towards this end.
3 Steps to Contentment
Recent studies reveal a paradox: despite success and happiness, many struggle with dissatisfaction in themselves, public life, and family, leading to stress and conflict. Drawing from the Apostle Paul's wisdom, this article presents three essential steps to finding contentment.
Philippians 4:11
Even Kings and Queens...
The royal divorce between Diana and Charles highlights the importance of commitment, chastity, and Christ in successful marriages, emphasizing that even the rich and famous need these essential ingredients for a healthy union.
1. Characteristics of Adult Learners
Adults are more attuned to comfortable surroundings, more sensitive and reactive to discomfort. Teachers must do what they can to compensate for these differences as best they can.
2. 4 Resources for Missionaries
To make it as a preacher or missionary, I believe there are four indispensable resources required.
About, the "Chosen"
I have mixed emotions concerning this latest runaway hit streaming online called the "Chosen."
With the Help of our God
When we, as Christians, succeed in God's service it discourages evil ones, unbelievers, and scoffers.
How to Manage Your Donations
Jewish Numerology
Discover the symbolic significance of numbers in the Bible, from unity and singularity to new beginnings, offering insights into divine meanings and connections throughout various scriptures.
Daniel 11 – Outline of Kings
Daniel 11 predicts events that will take place between the rise and fall of the Greek and Roman Empires.
17. Why Can't I Stop Feeling Guilty and Fearful Since My Divorce?
Understand that feeling guilty after divorce is normal, but seek forgiveness and renewal through confession to God and moving forward, as God offers forgiveness and renewal even after failing at marriage, and do not let fear and seeking approval from others hinder your joy in Christ.
How to Use BibleTalk.tv in Your Congregation
8. Guidelines for Skill-Building Classes
The following guidelines use a method of skill-building referred to as the "Whole-Part-Whole" method.
5. 3 Basic Steps of Teaching
Teaching involves a basic three-step process: preparation, delivery, and evaluation.
Goodfinder Trait
Embrace the power of being a "goodfinder" and discover the joy that comes from acknowledging the good in yourself and others, ultimately leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.
4. The Preacher's Job Description
In I Corinthians 14, Paul mentions that there are three primary tasks that the apostle lists concerning the work of the preacher.
I Corinthians 14:3
5. The Work of this Evangelist
Paul the Apostle is near the end of his life in a Roman prison and gives instructions to Timothy, a young preacher he has trained about his work as a minister.
II Timothy 4:1-5
Secret Sin
Understanding the importance of confession and accountability in overcoming sin and finding renewal through God's grace is key to navigating the struggles of hidden temptations and past mistakes.
Everybody Dies
They say that famous people die in groups of three. This week has lent credence to this social phenomenon as former U.S. President Gerald Ford; R and B singer James Brown; and deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein have all died within days of each other.
What More do you Want?
Reflect on the perfection of Jesus' sacrifice and the completeness of God's plan for salvation, leaving no room for improvement, but rather inspiring gratitude and a desire for self-improvement.
The Discipline of Failure
Learn from the stories of David, the woman at the well, and Peter the Apostle, who despite their failures, were used mightily by the Lord, showing that your past mistakes do not define your future potential.
The 3 R's in Labor Day
The last thing we want to do on the Labor Day weekend is think about "work." But before we leave for the lake or start on the Labor Day project, let's spend a moment reviewing a few main ideas that the Bible has about our work that might be helpful when we get back to the job after the holiday is over.
God Loves... Even Superman
Reflect on the humbling journey of self-discovery and empathy within this text, as it delves into the complexities of fame, fortune, and the universal love of God, inviting you to ponder on the interconnectedness of humanity.
3. Designing Greatness into our Teaching Programs
God requires two things from us as teachers: our best effort and faithfulness. He does not demand perfection but at the same time, he does not accept mediocrity.
Him or Me
Reflect on the choices presented in life and consider whether your actions will please God or simply gratify yourself, as the battle against temptation becomes clearer when we question whose pleasure we are seeking to fulfill.
The Goodbye Girl
Her mother remembers that even before Julia was born, she was kicking to get out. Today as she leaves for Marine boot camp, we shared another of the many "good-byes" reserved for all parents.
1. The Use of Media in Ministry
Communicating the Message
Media is the vehicle for communication and we as Christians are really in the business of communication.
A Brief History of the Church of Christ in Quebec
This article goes through the History of the church in Quebec from the first Church of Christ planted in Montreal all the way to 2016.
The Inspiration of the Bible
​Nobody just reads the Bible and says, "I think this book is inspired." It's not just a logical deduction. The Bible actually says this about itself in different places. Doesn't it seem natural that an inspired book would claim this about itself? The Old Testament takes this idea for granted since it continually describes dialogue between God and man.