
92 Results
Honor Thy Father
Reflect on the true meaning of honoring fathers—not only through gifts and celebration but by embodying respect, obedience, and living a life that brings them honor, just as the Bible encourages.
A Christian Father's Vision
Witness the profound impact of a Christian father's vision as he quietly observes and guides his family towards eternal blessings and values.
Why I Love my Father – God
Embrace the profound reasons shared for loving the heavenly Father and consider how your own relationship with Him can be enriched through simple acts of faith and devotion.
7 Gift Suggestions for Dad
If you've purchases your Father's Day gift, this article is not for you. The other 99% listen up. Here's a little help to choose for the hardest man to shop for – Dad.
When I review the qualities in men who are fathers, the one that I find most appealing and helpful for the well-being of the family is a man's ability and willingness to be a servant-leader.
Judge for Yourself
One month after my 16th birthday my father died. He was 53 years old. It was two o'clock in the morning and my mother woke me up saying that she thought my dad was really sick.
Acts 4:19-20
14. Can You Remarry After Divorce?
I have read the writings of the early church fathers my understanding is all of them say you can not remarry after divorce for any reason?
Jewish Numerology
Discover the symbolic significance of numbers in the Bible, from unity and singularity to new beginnings, offering insights into divine meanings and connections throughout various scriptures.
3. How to Grow A Preacher
One of the greatest struggles that some men have is to decide if they're going to go into ministry. This lesson provides direction for those who desire this calling.
16. Can Women Lead Adult Bible Classes?
Engage with the discussion on women's roles in teaching Bible classes, exploring how historical teachings can be adapted to modern contexts while maintaining respect for traditional beliefs and leadership structures.
21. Who was the "Naked Man in the Garden" in Mark 14?
Delve into the intriguing speculation surrounding the identity of the "naked man in the garden" in Mark 14:51-52, as scholars suggest he could be John Mark, the Gospel author, based on narrative details, authorial techniques, and early church traditions.
My Election Prayer
I praise you and thank you for the blessing of living in a nation that is so prosperous and at relative peace with its neighbors and itself.
The Conversation
They talked endlessly. Since there was no need to express and explain, their communication moved beyond the speed of light, yet the time taken by the exchange was imperceptible.
Paris and the Church
In a marvelous book entitled "How Paris Became Paris" by author Joan DeJean, the author explains the unique concept that guided the building and development of the enchanting city of Paris.
Him or Me
Reflect on the choices presented in life and consider whether your actions will please God or simply gratify yourself, as the battle against temptation becomes clearer when we question whose pleasure we are seeking to fulfill.
1. The Preaching of Jesus
Perhaps in examining Jesus' style and approach to this glorious work we can become more of what all of us seek to be, like Him.
Matthew 5:1-2
You Have got to Show it
Understanding the balance between correction and love in relationships is key - delve into the profound insights shared about the transformative power of expressed love in this thoughtful reflection.
When We Respond
When responding to the gospel invitation, remember it's not about giving but about receiving God's mercy through the blood of Christ, offering forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who respond.
What's in a Name?
The first step in sanitizing immoral behavior usually begins by giving it a new name. This allows its proponents an opportunity to redefine the activity without constant reference to the image created by the previous term.
A Brief History of the Church of Christ in Quebec
This article goes through the History of the church in Quebec from the first Church of Christ planted in Montreal all the way to 2016.