100 Results
Successful Parenting
Encouraging parents to delve into John Croyle's insightful book on successful parenting, emphasizing the importance of unconditional love, belief in children, discipline, and continuous effort in shaping their future.
Baseball Blues
Witnessing the impact of parents' behavior at youth sports games sheds light on the importance of bringing positive values to the field, urging a reflection on the true essence of sportsmanship and character-building in our children.
The Goodbye Girl
Her mother remembers that even before Julia was born, she was kicking to get out. Today as she leaves for Marine boot camp, we shared another of the many "good-byes" reserved for all parents.
Everybody Has a War to Fight
Discover how to engage in the vital spiritual battle we're called to fight and learn how Jesus equips us with the resources we need, whether as parents, students, or ministers, to overcome our unique challenges.
Mary - The Single Parent
A look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a woman, wife, and ultimately, a widow.
Circle of Salvation
This week I had the great joy of baptizing my youngest daughter, Emilie. She is the last of my children to obey the gospel and with her baptism the circle of salvation is complete around our family.
Delayed Glorification
The story of Boaz from the Old Testament book of Ruth exemplifies the power of patience and delayed gratification in receiving God's blessings beyond imagination.
Mary was a Single Mom
Mary's unwavering faith and dedication as a single mother of seven showcase the extraordinary strength and resilience needed in today's world of parenting.
Keeping Up
Amidst the chaos of modern life, finding solace in faith and the unchanging presence of Jesus Christ.
1. The Preaching of Jesus
Perhaps in examining Jesus' style and approach to this glorious work we can become more of what all of us seek to be, like Him.
Matthew 5:1-2
Christian is a Christian
Four Questions to Ask Before Baptizing a Child
I recently baptized our eldest grandson, Christian. He is nine years old and because of his age I had some hesitation before going ahead with his baptism.
The Intimate Marriage
After 45 years of ministry and pastoral marriage counseling, I have noticed a common pattern among couples who struggle with sexual issues in their marriage, especially after the ten-year mark.
33. When Are Children Old Enough to Be Baptized?
Explore the age of accountability for baptism and the significance of the Bar Mitzvah ceremony in Jewish tradition, along with insights on when a young person may be ready for baptism based on faith and fear of God.
Honor Thy Father
Reflect on the true meaning of honoring fathers—not only through gifts and celebration but by embodying respect, obedience, and living a life that brings them honor, just as the Bible encourages.
Before You Leave for Heaven
This sermon emphasizes the importance of planning for one's final days and inheritance to ensure family unity, avoid conflict, and leave a lasting, positive legacy.
Training for Eternity
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Religious Education
How many people here went to Catholic school as children? I ask this because I want to see how many people here today can relate to my own experience growing up in Montreal and going to Catholic school. One of the features of my early education was the presence of religious training.
5. Wisdom for Relationships, Wealth and Contentment
In this lesson Mike focuses on the many proverbs that instruct us concerning those things that have the power to make our lives joyful or bitter, all depending how we approach relationships and wealth.
Proverbs 26-31
Money Matters - Part 2
Understanding the true value of money and its role in our lives is crucial for a balanced perspective, as highlighted in this insightful excerpt on financial stewardship and faith.
Candles of Love
The heartfelt expressions of love and commitment to marriage and faith within the Choctaw congregation create a strong sense of unity and community that is truly inspiring.
The Promise Land
A lesson that parallels an immigrant's experience with the experience of Christians who come into the kingdom and seek the promise of heaven.
Moses' Final Instructions
Moses' final instructions to the Israelites in the book of Deuteronomy emphasize obedience to God's word as the key to maintaining God's blessings, urging them not to compromise His commandments while preparing to enter the Promised Land.