BibleTalk Articles

Brief lessons and comments on Bible related subjects.
76 articles
A Brief History of the Church of Christ in Quebec
This article goes through the History of the church in Quebec from the first Church of Christ planted in Montreal all the way to 2016.
Jewish Numerology
1. ONE – Unity and singularity as in: Genesis 2:24 – "The two become one..." Deuteronomy 6:4 – "The Lord is one..." John 17:20-22 – "That they be one..." 2. TWO – Capability, reliability and...
Respect His Name
I'm on a one-man crusade against the movie industry. Here's why.
Which War Are You Fighting?
There is a lot of talk concerning war these days. The war on America, war on drugs, and the war against youth violence to name a few.
What's in it for God?
Ever wonder why God wants us to obey Him? What exactly does God receive from our faithfulness and obedience?
Christian is a Christian
Four Questions to Ask Before Baptizing a Child
I recently baptized our eldest grandson, Christian. He is nine years old and because of his age I had some hesitation before going ahead with his baptism.
Out of Season
Enough cowering! Enough hiding out and social distancing from getting things done because of the virus!
Veiled Religion
The ongoing controversy over accommodating Muslim women wearing various head coverings is more a debate over religious statements than demonstrating true spirituality.
About, the "Chosen"
I have mixed emotions concerning this latest runaway hit streaming online called the "Chosen."
Ali's Final Weigh-In
Recently, ex-boxing champ Muhammad Ali died, and the media is filled with praise for both his athletic accomplishments, which are richly deserved, and his "social activism."
Love's Goodbye
In my job as a minister I have watched many people die. As awful as this sounds, there is a sameness to the process that, with time...
Reward and Punishment
When I was in Junior High my English teacher taught our class how to write a "precis". A precis is a shortened version of an essay or article that maintains the meaning of the original piece of writing.
Too Busy?
In our fast paced society it is often difficult to determine the difference between busy and too busy. The following 7 statements should help busy people (especially Christians).
7 Lessons from a 7 Day Cold
I have happily recovered from a nasty cold that never seemed to end. The experience led me to think about some very basic things that even the common cold can teach us.
Total Pointlessness
Tom Whittaker, a mountaineer who lost his leg in a 1979 car accident, continues to climb challenging slopes with the help of a special prosthesis. When interviewed recently he said, "One of the things that really attracts me to mountaineering is its total pointlessness. So I've dedicated my life to it."
Soft Rebellion
There are no new arguments in the effort to expand women's role in the church to include those tasks that have traditionally been given to men. Some women want to lead prayer as well as teach and preach in public assemblies and find sup...
The Inspiration of the Bible
​Nobody just reads the Bible and says, "I think this book is inspired." It's not just a logical deduction. The Bible actually says this about itself in different places. Doesn't it seem natural that an inspired book would claim this about itself? The Old Testament takes this idea for granted since it continually describes dialogue between God and man.
Christian Worship in 150 AD
Justin Martyr was a Samarian Christian who lived in the second century. He was a Platonist philosopher who was converted to Christianity and became a strong defender of the faith. In one of his works, "Apology of the Christian Religion", written in around 150AD, he describes a typical Christian worship service of that day.
The Conversation
They talked endlessly. Since there was no need to express and explain, their communication moved beyond the speed of light, yet the time taken by the exchange was imperceptible.
The Celebrity Pope
Pope Francis has good teeth. I noticed this about him in a picture connected with his recent visit to the U.S. This is as it should be for one who strives to be the new face of the Catholic church witnessed by the carefully choreographed Papal appearances in New York and other cities recently.
The Spirit that is in me is Greater than the Spirit that is in AI!
The title says it all, doesn't it? All the fuss and handwringing over the Artificial Intelligence phenomena is quite anxiety producing for unbelievers.
What's in a Name?
The first step in sanitizing immoral behavior usually begins by giving it a new name. This allows its proponents an opportunity to redefine the activity without constant reference to the image created by the previous term.
7 Steps to Joy
Homecoming can become a joyful opportunity for every single person in the congregation. Here are the seven steps that will take one there:
Christian Style Christmas
At one time or another I've tried and taught most of the ideas that Christians think about Christmas and its celebration; denouncing it, ignoring it or simply accepting its inevitability.