Bible Verses

Acts 2:38

Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright © by The Lockman Foundation.

Material Using this Verse

Christian is a Christian
Four Questions to Ask Before Baptizing a Child
I recently baptized our eldest grandson, Christian. He is nine years old and because of his age I had some hesitation before going ahead with his baptism.
Reward and Punishment
When I was in Junior High my English teacher taught our class how to write a "precis". A precis is a shortened version of an essay or article that maintains the meaning of the original piece of writing.
The Spirit that is in me is Greater than the Spirit that is in AI!
The title says it all, doesn't it? All the fuss and handwringing over the Artificial Intelligence phenomena is quite anxiety producing for unbelievers.
Evangelizing Homosexuals
We need to evangelize this growing number of people but are usually hard-pressed to know where to begin. This lesson provides some information towards this end.
Essentials of Salvation
Part 2
We will explore another essential aspect of salvation and address common questions and criticisms that arise when asserting that certain elements are crucial for salvation.
Acts 4:12
Moses' Final Instructions
Moses' final instructions to the Israelites in the book of Deuteronomy emphasize obedience to God's word as the key to maintaining God's blessings, urging them not to compromise His commandments while preparing to enter the Promised Land.
Protecting our Unity
We are united into one group because God has separated us from the world and formed a special body of people who all share a special set of characteristics.
Biblical Baptism
Bible Basics
Explore the essential elements of biblical salvation, from the significance of repentance as a transformative relationship with Christ to the diverse and debated views on baptism, and discover the unified doctrine presented in the New Testament.
Acts 2:38
Tongues Today - #1
This first lesson of two, delves into the biblical context of speaking in tongues, focusing on its significance in the early church. It examines the purpose of tongues as a spiritual gift and the conditions surrounding its use. The discussion aims to clarify misunderstandings about tongues, providing a foundation for evaluating its practice in contemporary worship settings.
Let's Get Ready to Rumble
Standing firm against the schemes of the devil is crucial in the battle for faith and unity, as highlighted in this powerful excerpt urging individuals to prepare for spiritual warfare and seek strength in God's protection.
Ephesians 6:10-20
Repentance is a Revolution
Bible Basics
Mike explains how true repentance goes beyond feeling sorrow for sins—it's about a complete transformation of heart and lifestyle. He emphasizes that repentance is a bold, revolutionary act that turns one's life toward God, creating lasting change. This lesson challenges believers to rethink their understanding of repentance and embrace it as a powerful force for spiritual growth.
Acts 2:38
12. Does the Holy Spirit Only Dwell in Us Through the Word of God?
In this message, we look into the dynamic indwelling of the Holy Spirit which also brings up the topic of division.
Goodfinder Trait
Embrace the power of being a "goodfinder" and discover the joy that comes from acknowledging the good in yourself and others, ultimately leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.
20. What is the Difference Between the 'indwelling' and the 'empowerment' of the Holy Spirit?
Understanding the difference between the 'indwelling' and 'empowerment' of the Holy Spirit sheds light on the spiritual gifts received through baptism and the laying on of hands by the Apostles, illustrating the transition from miraculous abilities to the enduring teachings of the New Testament.
27. Can a Woman Baptize Someone, Make Announcements, or Serve Communion?
Exploring the role of women in religious practices such as baptizing, making announcements, and serving communion, while considering the implications of deviating from traditional practices based on biblical teachings.
31. Does Speaking in Tongues Still Take Place Today?
Discover the truth about speaking in tongues and the Holy Spirit's role in the believer's life in this insightful lesson that delves into the historical context and modern-day practices.
18. Can You Lose the Holy Spirit?
Learn about the temporary empowerment of individuals by the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the caution against quenching the Spirit's work through continual willful sin in the New Testament.
4. Temple Sermon and the People's Rejection
This lesson focuses on Jeremiah's bold rebuke of those who thought that the physical presence of the Temple in Jerusalem would protest them despite Jeremiah's warnings of God's imminent punishment due to their disobedience.
Jeremiah 7-17
6. The Vision of the New Temple and Temple Worship
In this final lesson Mike reviews Ezekiel's final vision of a renewed Temple which includes God's promise of His return to dwell among His people.
Ezekiel 40-48