
58 Results
He Could've Been a Role Model
Tommy Morrison, the heavyweight boxer from Oklahoma, has tested positive for the H.I.V. virus. He faced the media with this announcement recently and finished his news conference with the words, "I could have been a role model but I blew my chance."
4. Improving the Effectiveness of our Adult Bible Class Teaching
A teacher of God's word, no matter the level or scope is one of the most important and influential roles in congregations. It is so important that it was among the final words of our Lord as he was preparing to ascend back into heaven.
1. Characteristics of Adult Learners
Adults are more attuned to comfortable surroundings, more sensitive and reactive to discomfort. Teachers must do what they can to compensate for these differences as best they can.
3. Designing Greatness into our Teaching Programs
God requires two things from us as teachers: our best effort and faithfulness. He does not demand perfection but at the same time, he does not accept mediocrity.
The Intimate Marriage
After 45 years of ministry and pastoral marriage counseling, I have noticed a common pattern among couples who struggle with sexual issues in their marriage, especially after the ten-year mark.
The Qumran Community
Creators of the Dead Sea Scrolls
This article will investigate the origins and customs of this "monastic" and ultra conservative sect of Jews from whom we have a priceless treasure (Dead Sea Scrolls), scriptural transcripts representing the greatest archeological find in the modern era.