95 Results
Doing the Right Thing
Embrace the challenge of consistently choosing the right path in Christianity, guided by biblical principles, despite the opposition and inevitable mistakes along the way.
Lords of the Ring
Mike gives three tried and true principles that will help you to learn one of life's most important lessons - finishing what you start.
Pro's and Con's of Promise Keepers
A group called Promise Keepers is discussed, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of the movement, urging individuals to examine teachings in light of Scripture and consider the importance of staying true to biblical principles.
The Best of Both Worlds
Solomon's wisdom in Ecclesiastes highlights the importance of finding satisfaction in the fruit of our labor on earth, a reminder for Christians to balance earthly pursuits with spiritual preparation for the future.
Not Guilty
I knew the moment she said, "Not Guilty," that this trial was an emotional loser. Had Mr. Simpson been found guilty (football hero, movie nice guy, etc.) was going to spend a lifetime in prison. The "not guilty" decision left me feeling anguish for the victims and their families.
1. The Preaching of Jesus
Perhaps in examining Jesus' style and approach to this glorious work we can become more of what all of us seek to be, like Him.
Matthew 5:1-2
When We Respond
When responding to the gospel invitation, remember it's not about giving but about receiving God's mercy through the blood of Christ, offering forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who respond.
The Inspiration of the Bible
Nobody just reads the Bible and says, "I think this book is inspired." It's not just a logical deduction. The Bible actually says this about itself in different places. Doesn't it seem natural that an inspired book would claim this about itself? The Old Testament takes this idea for granted since it continually describes dialogue between God and man.
33. When Are Children Old Enough to Be Baptized?
Explore the age of accountability for baptism and the significance of the Bar Mitzvah ceremony in Jewish tradition, along with insights on when a young person may be ready for baptism based on faith and fear of God.
5. Wisdom for Relationships, Wealth and Contentment
In this lesson Mike focuses on the many proverbs that instruct us concerning those things that have the power to make our lives joyful or bitter, all depending how we approach relationships and wealth.
Proverbs 26-31
Miracle Grow
To achieve church growth, one must commit to biblical preaching, evangelism, regular worship, loving fellowship, and sacrificial service, as outlined in this insightful sermon.
3. Hebrew Poetry and a Life of Righteousness and Fear of the Lord
In this lesson, Mike reviews the elements peculiar to Hebrew poetry (the format for this book) and explains the two main themes found in chapters 10-18 of Solomon's collection of proverbs.
Proverbs 10-18
If Your Brother Sins Against You
Learn how to effectively resolve conflicts and reconcile with others by following Jesus' teachings on forgiveness and reconciliation.
Matthew 18:15-35
6. Wisdom Against Foolishness and for Christlikeness
The final lesson in the series reviews one last failing that wisdom guards us from and explores the affinity shared by all those who seek the knowledge of Christ with the wisdom of Solomon.
Freedom Through Dependance
Understanding the concept of mutual dependency for freedom and peace, this excerpt delves into the importance of dependence on God and each other, highlighting the true freedoms enjoyed as citizens of the kingdom of heaven.
1. General Introduction to Proverbs
This first lesson on the book of Proverbs will examine various types of ancient wisdom literature as well as the contribution of Proverbs to the writers of the New Testament and finish with info as to the author, date and presentation of these records through the centuries.
4. Wisdom for Speech, Words, and Work
Mike provides practical lessons from Proverbs to guide each of us in the every day challenge of living our best lives for Christ.
Proverbs 19-25