
24 Results
6. How to Include A cappella Music in Your Live Stream Worship
In this video, Hal Gatewood will show you how we are using Praise and Harmony TV singing videos in our live stream services each week.
42. Kissing Up
There is a modern expression that describes an old human need. The expression is "kissing up" and it means to curtsy or cultivate favor with a superior.
Ali's Final Weigh-In
Recently, ex-boxing champ Muhammad Ali died, and the media is filled with praise for both his athletic accomplishments, which are richly deserved, and his "social activism."
41. Ministering to the Minister
Several years ago, I was visiting a congregation whose "prime" had passed. The attendance was half of what it used to be as empty pews marked the places where entire families once sat. The singing only echoed the full voices that had previously stirred the building with sweet praise.
My Election Prayer
I praise you and thank you for the blessing of living in a nation that is so prosperous and at relative peace with its neighbors and itself.
The Doubting Nun
The recent publishing of Mother Teresa's letters filled with doubt and despair has led many to either praise or pity her. I, along with leading atheist Christopher Hitchens, feel great pity for this brave woman but for different reasons.
Why Does the Church of Christ Sing?
This lesson will review the biblical foundation and historical record that establish vocal singing as the Spirit ordained manner of musical praise in public worship.
2. How to Motivate Adults to Learn
We do not "motivate" learners. Motivation is an internal element unique to the individual. What motivates one person is not the same as what motivates another.
The Qumran Community
Creators of the Dead Sea Scrolls
This article will investigate the origins and customs of this "monastic" and ultra conservative sect of Jews from whom we have a priceless treasure (Dead Sea Scrolls), scriptural transcripts representing the greatest archeological find in the modern era.