
100 Results
3. Isreal's Unfaithfulness and God's Judgment
In this lesson we explore the familiar theme of Israel's unfaithfulness witnessed by their gross idolatry, God's sure judgment and call for repentance as well as His abundant mercy available for those who repent.
Jeremiah 2-6
2. Symbolic Oracles of Judgment and the Departure of God's Glory
This lesson will review both Ezekiel's warnings of impending judgment for the unrepentant sin of idolatry and the fulfillment of this prophecy as God removes His miraculous presence from the Temple in Jerusalem.
Ezekiel 4-11
2. The Divided Kingdom
This lesson traces the history of the Divided Kingdom with the initial break during Rehoboam's reign (Solomon to the rule of the worst king's son) of the Northern Kingdom, Ahab and his evil wife Jezebel.
I Kings 12-22
3. The Fall of Israel and Judah
Part 1
This lesson briefly reviews the reigns of both northern and southern kings noting each ruler's faithfulness and significant activity taking place under their rule.
II Kings 1-17
4. The Fall of Israel and Judah
Part 2
In this final lesson, Mike will summarize the lives and rule of the remaining kings of Judah before its defeat and captivity, as well as provide a description of Jewish life while in exile.
II Kings 18-25
3. The Kings of Judah
This one lesson overview provides a summary of the kings who ruled the Southern Kingdom of Judah with emphasis on their role in God's plan to ultimately fulfill His promises to bring the Messiah to the world.
II Chronicles 1-36