
Remain Faithful
97 Results
4. The Preacher's Job Description
In I Corinthians 14, Paul mentions that there are three primary tasks that the apostle lists concerning the work of the preacher.
I Corinthians 14:3
36. Can I Be Forgiven After Falling Away From the Church?
Discover the forgiveness and encouragement found in Hebrews 6:4-6, reassuring you that returning to church after falling away is a step towards redemption and salvation.
Essentials of Salvation
Part 2
We will explore another essential aspect of salvation and address common questions and criticisms that arise when asserting that certain elements are crucial for salvation.
Acts 4:12
Setting our Spiritual Goals
This lesson looks at the goals that the church, which meets inside the building, should have.
The Beauty of the Cross
In the book of Joshua, we see a parallel to our own journey of faith, where despite the sure promise of salvation, we are encouraged to be strong and courageous in facing the challenges of leading others to Christ and overcoming our own weaknesses and doubts.
Training for Eternity
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.
God Has Planned Something Better for Us
This sermon explores how God's plan, revealed in the Bible, is superior to anything humans can imagine. It highlights the faith of ancient believers, who looked forward to a promise they would not receive in their lifetime. Mike encourages readers to trust in God's plan, which finds its fulfillment in Jesus, offering something far better than temporary solutions or material gains.
Hebrews 11
8. Jeremiah's Final Years and Flight to Egypt
This lesson looks at the conditions and actions of the people of Judah and their faithful prophet Jeremiah after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC.
Jeremiah 40-52
Everybody Has a War to Fight
Discover how to engage in the vital spiritual battle we're called to fight and learn how Jesus equips us with the resources we need, whether as parents, students, or ministers, to overcome our unique challenges.
God Bless You - Mike and Family
Mike reflects on the challenges and blessings of a faithful journey. He shares heartfelt experiences of enduring personal trials, maintaining strong family bonds, and growing in faith through it all. This lesson offers inspiration for anyone facing life's ups and downs, encouraging them to remain steadfast in their belief and trust in God's plan.
2. Jeremiah's Call and Missions
In this lesson we will focus on Jeremiah's calling into ministry, God's assurance that He will provide for the task Jeremiah will be given to carry out and the prophetic role in encouraging people to trust and obey God, even in difficult circumstances.
Jeremiah 1
3. Israel's Unfaithfulness and God's Judgment
In this lesson we explore the familiar theme of Israel's unfaithfulness witnessed by their gross idolatry, God's sure judgment and call for repentance as well as His abundant mercy available for those who repent.
Jeremiah 2-6
The Half-Full Church
The importance of maintaining a positive perspective and fostering a sense of unity and love within the church community is highlighted in this insightful reflection on the power of faith and growth within the congregation.
1. Introduction and Inaugural Vision
The first lesson deals with Ezekiel's amazing visions and initial message to the exiles from God.
Ezekiel 1-3
Candles of Love
The heartfelt expressions of love and commitment to marriage and faith within the Choctaw congregation create a strong sense of unity and community that is truly inspiring.
Heart Beat Away
True greatness is just a heartbeat away, but hesitation, pride, and delay can keep us from it. Don't just come close—embrace the call, obey Christ, and step into the eternal glory that awaits.
5. The Potter's House, Judah's Broken Covenant, and the Fate of Its Kings
In this lesson we see Jeremiah's continued warnings of God's impending judgment on unrepentant Judah and the sad ending of its last rulers.
Jeremiah 18-22