100 Results
Pruning with a Purpose
Understanding the purpose behind the pruning process in the church can lead to a deeper spiritual growth and maturity in Christ, despite the temporary challenges and changes it may bring.
Drawing Near to God
Part 2
As Christians we have many challenges before us. Prayer and fasting is the best way we can present these before God.
James 4:8-10
Everybody Has a War to Fight
Discover how to engage in the vital spiritual battle we're called to fight and learn how Jesus equips us with the resources we need, whether as parents, students, or ministers, to overcome our unique challenges.
What You Should 'Get' Out of Worship
In this sermon, Mike challenges the common attitude of assessing church attendance based on personal gain, arguing that church life should involve both giving and receiving; specifically, attendees should experience a genuine sense of God's presence during worship, beyond mere obligation or habit.
Repentance is a Revolution
Bible Basics
Mike explains how true repentance goes beyond feeling sorrow for sins—it's about a complete transformation of heart and lifestyle. He emphasizes that repentance is a bold, revolutionary act that turns one's life toward God, creating lasting change. This lesson challenges believers to rethink their understanding of repentance and embrace it as a powerful force for spiritual growth.
Acts 2:38
God Bless You - Mike and Family
Mike reflects on the challenges and blessings of a faithful journey. He shares heartfelt experiences of enduring personal trials, maintaining strong family bonds, and growing in faith through it all. This lesson offers inspiration for anyone facing life's ups and downs, encouraging them to remain steadfast in their belief and trust in God's plan.
Sooner Spirit
The thrilling victory scored over Nebraska is sure to keep Sooner fans happy for a long time to come. Aside from an excellent effort by the Norman squad, their play reminded me of the larger game of Christian living and what we need to remember when facing our greatest opponent, Satan and his forces:
Evolution or Creation?
One of the most heated debates of our time is the one centered on the origin of mankind and the universe.
1. The Use of Media in Ministry
Communicating the Message
Media is the vehicle for communication and we as Christians are really in the business of communication.
The Intimate Marriage
After 45 years of ministry and pastoral marriage counseling, I have noticed a common pattern among couples who struggle with sexual issues in their marriage, especially after the ten-year mark.
God Has Planned Something Better for Us
This sermon explores how God's plan, revealed in the Bible, is superior to anything humans can imagine. It highlights the faith of ancient believers, who looked forward to a promise they would not receive in their lifetime. Mike encourages readers to trust in God's plan, which finds its fulfillment in Jesus, offering something far better than temporary solutions or material gains.
Hebrews 11
10. From Abimelech to Jephthah
Triumphs and Trials of Israels' Judge
Mike reviews the arch of success and failure experienced by some of Israel's best and least known Judges.
Judges 9-12
9. Gideon and His Victory
Mike reviews the spectacular rise of Gideon as a leader and judge of Israel as well as his fall into idolatry.
Judges 6-8