100 Results
6. Joshua's Farewell and Covenant Renewal
The final section of Joshua's book contains this great leader's final words of wisdom to the Jewish nation and a renewal of the people's covenant with God marking a national and spiritual high point in Israel's history.
Joshua 22-24
7. Introduction to Judges and Israel's Cycle of Sin
This first lesson in Judges covers the authorship and dating of this book as well as a comparison with the book of Joshua and a survey of the events and reasons why Israel falls away from its faithful obedience to God as in the days of Joshua.
Judges 1-3
10. From Abimelech to Jephthah
Triumphs and Trials of Israels' Judge
Mike reviews the arch of success and failure experienced by some of Israel's best and least known Judges.
Judges 9-12
9. Gideon and His Victory
Mike reviews the spectacular rise of Gideon as a leader and judge of Israel as well as his fall into idolatry.
Judges 6-8