61 Results
Delayed Glorification
The story of Boaz from the Old Testament book of Ruth exemplifies the power of patience and delayed gratification in receiving God's blessings beyond imagination.
There Will Never be a Cure
Former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, boldly declared that a cure for AIDS will one day be found. This statement, along with the financial endorsement of Bill and Melinda Gates, had the delegates at the recent International Aids Conference in Toronto cheering.
To Be Happy Again
"How happy are the people whose God is the Lord", David commented during the zenith of his reign as the king of a nation whose heart and soul were devoted to God. How sad it is that there isn't a leader on earth who can make this declaration today, including here in the USA?
11. What Should We Do About Covid?
Here is Mike's response to believers about the current pandemic.
12. Chaos in Israel
The Consequences of Moral Decline
This final lesson traces both the religious and moral low points in Israel's history.
Judges 17-21