55 Results
Divine Justice
As the execution of Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, approaches there will surely be a rise in the debate over the issue of the death penalty. Unfortunately, both sides often talk, over each others' heads and the discussion rarely moves toward any kind of resolution.
A Brief History of the Church of Christ in Quebec
This article goes through the History of the church in Quebec from the first Church of Christ planted in Montreal all the way to 2016.
The Intimate Marriage
After 45 years of ministry and pastoral marriage counseling, I have noticed a common pattern among couples who struggle with sexual issues in their marriage, especially after the ten-year mark.
The Origins of the Synagogue
This article will examine the origins of the modern synagogue and note the developments that ultimately forged this ancient Jewish entity.
The Qumran Community
Creators of the Dead Sea Scrolls
This article will investigate the origins and customs of this "monastic" and ultra conservative sect of Jews from whom we have a priceless treasure (Dead Sea Scrolls), scriptural transcripts representing the greatest archeological find in the modern era.
Daniel 11 – Outline of Kings
Daniel 11 predicts events that will take place between the rise and fall of the Greek and Roman Empires.
God Has Planned Something Better for Us
This sermon explores how God's plan, revealed in the Bible, is superior to anything humans can imagine. It highlights the faith of ancient believers, who looked forward to a promise they would not receive in their lifetime. Mike encourages readers to trust in God's plan, which finds its fulfillment in Jesus, offering something far better than temporary solutions or material gains.
Hebrews 11
What You Should 'Get' Out of Worship
In this sermon, Mike challenges the common attitude of assessing church attendance based on personal gain, arguing that church life should involve both giving and receiving; specifically, attendees should experience a genuine sense of God's presence during worship, beyond mere obligation or habit.
Characteristics of Church
The importance of following the pattern theology for church growth is highlighted through the three pillars of preaching the gospel, teaching Christ's commands, and fostering a fellowship among believers, as discussed in Acts chapter 2.
Evangelism and the Life of the Church
Do You Know My Jesus?
I'll share with you how the Holy Spirit evangelized me and what this has meant in my life.
Salted Speech
Paul's remarkable ability to preach and teach new believers, hostile Jews, and pagans is highlighted in the study of his life and work, emphasizing the importance of salted speech in effectively communicating faith, as seen in his interactions with the Thessalonians.
I Thessalonians 2:1-12
The Dream Church
The ideal church, as described in the New Testament, is characterized by a single leader, Jesus Christ, a unified body, a commitment to holiness, a mission to preach the gospel, and a systematic approach to fulfilling this mission, inviting individuals to reflect on their role in becoming part of this dream church.