88 Results
The Beauty of the Cross
In the book of Joshua, we see a parallel to our own journey of faith, where despite the sure promise of salvation, we are encouraged to be strong and courageous in facing the challenges of leading others to Christ and overcoming our own weaknesses and doubts.
Evangelizing Homosexuals
We need to evangelize this growing number of people but are usually hard-pressed to know where to begin. This lesson provides some information towards this end.
Multiplying Ministries
The Boston Church
The Boston Movement has been described as a classic Christian aberration or a cult, prompting the need for condemnation and vigilance within the church community.
How Should We Worship God?
In discussing worship, there exists a tension between progressive believers who seek a modern expression of worship and traditionalists who believe in preserving established methods, while many in the middle simply desire to express their love for God in a sincere and communal way, emphasizing that true worship transcends worldly norms and is fundamentally about honoring God.
Foundations of our Faith
The Church of Christ distinguishes itself by its commitment to following the Bible as the sole authority, emphasizing restorationism and biblical accuracy in its approach to Christianity.