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Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
The Unholy Blessing of Same-Sex Marriage
A review of the progress of the same-sex marriage crusade along with what this means for Christians going forward.
The Inspiration of the Bible
​Nobody just reads the Bible and says, "I think this book is inspired." It's not just a logical deduction. The Bible actually says this about itself in different places. Doesn't it seem natural that an inspired book would claim this about itself? The Old Testament takes this idea for granted since it continually describes dialogue between God and man.
39. Miracles Don't Save
Discover the true source of salvation and the pitfalls of modern faith healers, emphasizing that only the gospel, not miraculous healings, has the power to save our souls.
The Celebrity Pope
Pope Francis has good teeth. I noticed this about him in a picture connected with his recent visit to the U.S. This is as it should be for one who strives to be the new face of the Catholic church witnessed by the carefully choreographed Papal appearances in New York and other cities recently.
The Conversation
They talked endlessly. Since there was no need to express and explain, their communication moved beyond the speed of light, yet the time taken by the exchange was imperceptible.
The Eternal Church
Jesus said that nothing will or can destroy the church. The Bible says that it will continue to grow until it fills and dominates every other kingdom in the world and remain that way forever.
Mark 16:18
Essentials of Salvation
Part 2
In part 1 of this sermon series, I talked about the essentials of salvation. Here are a few key ideas that summarize the lesson. First of all, I mentioned that the trend in religion today is to bring...
Acts 4:12
How to Live Happily
I believe that the most sincere thing we can desire for someone else is their happiness. We believe, and rightly so, that whether rich or poor, healthy or sick, happiness is the most important commodity...
44. True Awakenings
In 1990 there was an unusual movie called "Awakenings" with Robert De Niro and Robin Williams. It was about a man who, for some reason, was in a coma for years and then suddenly came out of it for a while with the help of his doctor.