Trust In God
66 Results
2. The Rise and Fall of King Saul
This lesson summarizes the familiar history of the relationship between Israel's first two kings, Saul and David. There is also information concerning God's choice of Saul and lessons for the church today based on these leaders of long ago.
I Samuel 11-31
1. The Rise of Samuel & the Anointing of Saul
In this opening lesson Mike sets the historical setting for the books of Samuel and traces the rise of Samuel as a judge of Israel and a key figure in the nation's transition from a theocracy to a monarchy.
I Samuel 1-10
12. Chaos in Israel
The Consequences of Moral Decline
This final lesson traces both the religious and moral low points in Israel's history.
Judges 17-21
11. Samson
A Man of Great Strength and Weakness
Mike reviews the life and times of one of the most iconic and erratic characters of the Old Testament.
Judges 13-16