68 Results
Virtual Sex
The impact of online pornography on society and relationships is explored, highlighting concerns about the rise of virtual sex and its effects on real intimacy and healthy sexual relationships.
Sheep Seeking Shepherd
This sermon delves into the deep spiritual need that every person has for guidance, comfort, and salvation through Christ. Drawing from biblical imagery, Mike explains how Jesus, the Good Shepherd, calls out to those who are lost, offering them safety and purpose under His care. This teaching serves as a reminder of our need to follow Christ's voice in order to find peace and direction in our lives.
Physician, Heal Thyself
I have been sick this month in a way I haven't before. January's deep freeze plus fatigue from too much travel, too little sunshine, and exposure to too many sick people finally did me in.
What to Expect
Expect the new preacher to work hard as an evangelist, reaching out to the lost, organizing the church, and ministering through God's word, while he expects obedience and involvement from you to foster spiritual and numerical growth and be a model of encouragement to others.
The Eternal Church
Jesus said that nothing will or can destroy the church. The Bible says that it will continue to grow until it fills and dominates every other kingdom in the world and remain that way forever.
Mark 16:18
Money Matters - Part 2
Understanding the true value of money and its role in our lives is crucial for a balanced perspective, as highlighted in this insightful excerpt on financial stewardship and faith.
Pro's and Con's of Promise Keepers
A group called Promise Keepers is discussed, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of the movement, urging individuals to examine teachings in light of Scripture and consider the importance of staying true to biblical principles.
The Silver Servers
The importance of older saints in the church and their responsibility to teach and guide the younger generation is highlighted in a powerful lesson based on Titus chapter 2.
Candles of Love
The heartfelt expressions of love and commitment to marriage and faith within the Choctaw congregation create a strong sense of unity and community that is truly inspiring.
Small Beginnings
Zechariah, the prophet, encourages Zerubbabel with prophecies from the Lord during the rebuilding of the temple, highlighting the importance of relying on God's strength and resources rather than man's power, a message that resonates with overcoming obstacles in our own lives.
Zechariah 4:1-10
1. Introduction to Chronicles
In this introductory lesson Mike reviews the various features and history of Chronicles as well as a special focus on the purpose, meaning and manner of producing the many "genealogies" found in this book.
I Chronicles 1-9
1. General Introduction to Proverbs
This first lesson on the book of Proverbs will examine various types of ancient wisdom literature as well as the contribution of Proverbs to the writers of the New Testament and finish with info as to the author, date and presentation of these records through the centuries.
4. The Endurance of Love
In this final lesson, Solomon reminds us that true love endures not only because of passion but also because the couple have cultivated other important qualities that must be present if a marriage is to both flourish and endure.
Song of Solomon 5:2-8:14