2009 Sermons

Full-length sermons on a variety of Bible topics complete with Scripture references, PowerPoint, student worksheets and transcripts.
43 sermons
Mike reviews two different types of materialism and how we are to deal with it.
The Promise Land
A lesson that parallels an immigrant's experience with the experience of Christians who come into the kingdom and seek the promise of heaven.
When I review the qualities in men who are fathers, the one that I find most appealing and helpful for the well-being of the family is a man's ability and willingness to be a servant-leader.
God Has Planned Something Better for Us
This sermon explores how God's plan, revealed in the Bible, is superior to anything humans can imagine. It highlights the faith of ancient believers, who looked forward to a promise they would not receive in their lifetime. Mike encourages readers to trust in God's plan, which finds its fulfillment in Jesus, offering something far better than temporary solutions or material gains.
Hebrews 11
The Deacon of Blame
I've often said that the church should appoint a deacon in charge of blame - the deacon of blame. That way when anything ever goes wrong, or something doesn't get done, this deacon's only job would be to accept the blame for it.
Before You Leave for Heaven
This sermon emphasizes the importance of planning for one's final days and inheritance to ensure family unity, avoid conflict, and leave a lasting, positive legacy.
Grace - The Favor of God
This sermon explores the concept of grace as the unmerited favor from God, emphasizing how it is given freely to believers despite their imperfections. The message highlights that grace is not something that can be earned but is a fundamental aspect of God's love and mercy towards humanity, with profound implications for Christian faith and daily living.
Honor Thy Father
Reflect on the true meaning of honoring fathers—not only through gifts and celebration but by embodying respect, obedience, and living a life that brings them honor, just as the Bible encourages.
It's Our Turn
Discover the transformative role awaiting each of us as we take on the responsibility to live and share the message of faith for future generations.
The Last Supper - In Round
At the Last Supper, Jesus transformed a traditional Passover meal into a profound lesson on humility by taking on the role of a servant, washing His disciples' feet and showing that true leadership means serving others—even those who might betray you.
Media and Christianity
In our modern era, the rapid, constant influx of information from numerous sources requires us to develop practical ways to filter and manage what we consume daily.
Moses' Final Instructions
Moses' final instructions to the Israelites in the book of Deuteronomy emphasize obedience to God's word as the key to maintaining God's blessings, urging them not to compromise His commandments while preparing to enter the Promised Land.
What You Should 'Get' Out of Worship
In this sermon, Mike challenges the common attitude of assessing church attendance based on personal gain, arguing that church life should involve both giving and receiving; specifically, attendees should experience a genuine sense of God's presence during worship, beyond mere obligation or habit.
In both the Old and New Testaments, God calls people for unique purposes—from leaders and prophets in ancient Israel to Mary, Joseph, and the apostles in the New Testament—emphasizing that, while the age of miraculous callings has ended, God still calls individuals today through Scripture to salvation, sanctification, service, and perseverance.
Adultery in the 90's
Mike argues that society increasingly tolerates adultery and moral relativism, moving away from objective biblical values and risking societal decline as a result.
Brown Bag Christmas
Mike reflects on the Christmas season's approach, noting its lack of biblical endorsement, its pagan origins, and how various customs associated with Christmas have been reinterpreted to hold Christian significance, emphasizing the need to prepare spiritually for the holiday despite its historical complexities.
Cults and Their Effects - Part 2
Understand the history and practices of the Boston Movement, a group that has been described as a cult, and learn how to protect your church by focusing on evangelism, condemning harmful practices, and fostering open communication within the congregation.
Cults and Their Effects - Part 1
Understanding the difference between cults and true Christianity is crucial to protecting your mind and faith, as cults aim to control and manipulate individuals through deceit and coercion, while the church promotes freedom, study, questioning, and service to the community in the name of Jesus Christ.
Evangelism is Job #1
In this sermon, Mike emphasizes that evangelism is the primary mission of the church, citing Jesus' initial directive to spread the gospel as foundational to all other church ministries, which only become relevant after successful evangelistic efforts have begun.
Heart Beat Away
True greatness is just a heartbeat away, but hesitation, pride, and delay can keep us from it. Don't just come close—embrace the call, obey Christ, and step into the eternal glory that awaits.
Miracle Grow
To achieve church growth, one must commit to biblical preaching, evangelism, regular worship, loving fellowship, and sacrificial service, as outlined in this insightful sermon.
The Beauty of the Cross
In the book of Joshua, we see a parallel to our own journey of faith, where despite the sure promise of salvation, we are encouraged to be strong and courageous in facing the challenges of leading others to Christ and overcoming our own weaknesses and doubts.
The Good Steward
Stephen Black, a former homosexual, courageously stood up against proposed laws discriminating against homosexuals, sharing his faith in Jesus Christ and the power of change, inspiring others to stand firm in their beliefs.
The Growth Bug
Mike emphasizes the importance of love as the primary objective of the church, highlighting that growth should be a byproduct of love rather than the main goal, inviting listeners to reflect on incorporating God's love into their lives and making love their primary focus as Christians.