1997 Sermons
Full-length sermons on a variety of Bible topics complete with Scripture references, PowerPoint, student worksheets and transcripts.
10 sermons
Pro's and Con's of Promise Keepers
A group called Promise Keepers is discussed, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of the movement, urging individuals to examine teachings in light of Scripture and consider the importance of staying true to biblical principles.
Cornbread Kindness
A heartwarming story about the impact of kindness and its ability to bring joy and build relationships, reminding us of the importance of showing compassion towards others in our daily lives.
Moderation and Abstinence
Highlighting the dangers of moderation in promoting vices, the speaker emphasizes the importance of abstaining from alcohol for health, addiction, financial, and legal reasons, urging Christians to seek higher standards and avoid enslavement to worldly habits.
Difficult Decisions
Reflecting on the recent events in the congregation, the sermon delivered by the church leader emphasizes the importance of following biblical teachings and supporting the decisions made by the elders, urging individuals to make difficult decisions and move forward in unity.
Let's Get Ready to Rumble
Standing firm against the schemes of the devil is crucial in the battle for faith and unity, as highlighted in this powerful excerpt urging individuals to prepare for spiritual warfare and seek strength in God's protection.
Ephesians 6:10-20
Celebration Sunday
Reflecting on the celebration of victories in Christ Jesus and the blessings of living in a prosperous time in American history, the speaker emphasizes the importance of personal victory over death through faith and baptism.
Small Beginnings
Zechariah, the prophet, encourages Zerubbabel with prophecies from the Lord during the rebuilding of the temple, highlighting the importance of relying on God's strength and resources rather than man's power, a message that resonates with overcoming obstacles in our own lives.
Zechariah 4:1-10
Why Some Won't Make It
The text discusses the Christian belief in heaven and hell, emphasizing the importance of faith and the consequences of disbelief, urging readers to consider their own beliefs and choices.
This sermon delves into the challenging realities of Christianity, emphasizing the importance of following the narrow path and dealing with enemies in a Christ-like manner, inviting readers to reflect on their own journey and faith.
Realizing the Vision
In 1997, the church in Choctaw focuses on personal salvation and readiness for Christ's return, encouraging each individual to be a regular Bible reader and actively participate in church activities to maintain unity and spiritual growth.