Mike presents lessons that demonstrate the relationship between faith and personal as well as corporate church growth.
9 sermons
Not Ashamed
This lesson is based on Romans 1:16 and promotes the notion that the church needs to rediscover the manner and core message of the gospel in order to have a true impact on today's world.
Romans 1:16
Evangelism and the Life of the Church
Do You Know My Jesus?
I'll share with you how the Holy Spirit evangelized me and what this has meant in my life.
Every Tribe, Every Tongue
Keynote speech for the 2007 World Mission Workshop at Oklahoma Christian University. The main message is that it is the responsibility of each generation to evangelize the world and today it is possible through modern communication technology (i.e. Internet) to preach the gospel to every nation each day, all day long, until Jesus returns.
Revelation 5:9; 7:9