Church Growth

Every member of your congregation wants your church to grow. In this group of lessons we will review the basics of church growth principles along with practical ideas to help churches grow according to God's Word.
32 sermons
A Welcome Mat Church
A church leader emphasizes the importance of personal invitations in church growth, highlighting the impact of one-on-one interactions over grand initiatives or facilities in fostering a welcoming environment for visitors and members alike.
Characteristics of Church
The importance of following the pattern theology for church growth is highlighted through the three pillars of preaching the gospel, teaching Christ's commands, and fostering a fellowship among believers, as discussed in Acts chapter 2.
Growing Pains
Mike shares his journey of growth, from gaining weight to building a church, emphasizing the principle of "no growth without pain" in various aspects of life, urging the congregation to embrace challenges for future opportunities.
It's Our Turn
Discover the transformative role awaiting each of us as we take on the responsibility to live and share the message of faith for future generations.
Miracle Grow
To achieve church growth, one must commit to biblical preaching, evangelism, regular worship, loving fellowship, and sacrificial service, as outlined in this insightful sermon.
Realizing the Vision
In 1997, the church in Choctaw focuses on personal salvation and readiness for Christ's return, encouraging each individual to be a regular Bible reader and actively participate in church activities to maintain unity and spiritual growth.
Religious Education
How many people here went to Catholic school as children? I ask this because I want to see how many people here today can relate to my own experience growing up in Montreal and going to Catholic school. One of the features of my early education was the presence of religious training.
Small Beginnings
Zechariah, the prophet, encourages Zerubbabel with prophecies from the Lord during the rebuilding of the temple, highlighting the importance of relying on God's strength and resources rather than man's power, a message that resonates with overcoming obstacles in our own lives.
Zechariah 4:1-10
The Cost of Church Growth
Mike emphasizes the importance of personal sacrifice for growth and invites the audience to reflect on the sacrifices made by past members, urging them to consider the cost of growth at various levels within the congregation.
The Counterfeit Church
Understanding the dangers of cults and the importance of discernment in faith is crucial to protecting oneself from deceptive teachings and false leaders.
Proverbs 14:15
The Dream Church
The ideal church, as described in the New Testament, is characterized by a single leader, Jesus Christ, a unified body, a commitment to holiness, a mission to preach the gospel, and a systematic approach to fulfilling this mission, inviting individuals to reflect on their role in becoming part of this dream church.
The Growth Bug
Mike emphasizes the importance of love as the primary objective of the church, highlighting that growth should be a byproduct of love rather than the main goal, inviting listeners to reflect on incorporating God's love into their lives and making love their primary focus as Christians.
The Half-Full Church
The importance of maintaining a positive perspective and fostering a sense of unity and love within the church community is highlighted in this insightful reflection on the power of faith and growth within the congregation.