Church of Christ Sermons
Full-length sermons on a variety of Bible topics complete with Scripture references, PowerPoint, student worksheets and transcripts.
428 sermons
Why Does the Church of Christ Sing?
This lesson will review the biblical foundation and historical record that establish vocal singing as the Spirit ordained manner of musical praise in public worship.
Why Jesus Had to Resurrect
In the Church of Christ we have no "special" services for religious holidays like Easter but the fact that Easter Sunday is celebrated by many seems to motivate people to make an extra effort to be at church service at this time.
Why Me, Why Now?
One thing you learn a lot about as a minister is suffering and death. You're among the first to be called when there is illness and the last person to see the dead as they are buried at their funerals.
Why Some Won't Make It
You know, whether you like it or not whether you like it or not, the Christian religion teaches that some are going to heaven and some are going to hell. Not a nice thought, you know, not a popular thought...
Why We Struggle
This chapter 35. Just open them and just leave them there. We'll be reading there in a little while. Okay? So we won't have to search for it later on. Exodus chapter 35. You know, last week, if you I...