96 Results
Sheep Seeking Shepherd
This sermon delves into the deep spiritual need that every person has for guidance, comfort, and salvation through Christ. Drawing from biblical imagery, Mike explains how Jesus, the Good Shepherd, calls out to those who are lost, offering them safety and purpose under His care. This teaching serves as a reminder of our need to follow Christ's voice in order to find peace and direction in our lives.
What to Expect
Small Beginnings
Zechariah 4:1-10
Summer Sun or Son
Why Does the Church of Christ Sing?
This lesson will review the biblical foundation and historical record that establish vocal singing as the Spirit ordained manner of musical praise in public worship.
Evangelizing Homosexuals
We need to evangelize this growing number of people but are usually hard-pressed to know where to begin. This lesson provides some information towards this end.
The Chosen Wives
In selecting deacons, Paul emphasizes that their wives should possess qualities that support their husband's role, as their character can significantly impact his ability to serve effectively in the church, aligning with the biblical ideal of mutual partnership outlined in Genesis.
Honor Thy Father
Reflect on the true meaning of honoring fathers—not only through gifts and celebration but by embodying respect, obedience, and living a life that brings them honor, just as the Bible encourages.