98 Results
Ten Reasons Not to Go to Montreal
Mike shares his journey of faith and gratitude towards those who supported his mission to preach the gospel in Montreal, highlighting the importance of stepping out in faith despite challenges and doubts.
The Beauty of the Cross
In the book of Joshua, we see a parallel to our own journey of faith, where despite the sure promise of salvation, we are encouraged to be strong and courageous in facing the challenges of leading others to Christ and overcoming our own weaknesses and doubts.
Sure or Unsure?
When feeling unsure about your faith, it's comforting to know that even great men like Elijah and David experienced doubt, as highlighted in this insightful message on navigating uncertainty in Christianity.
The Good Steward
Stephen Black, a former homosexual, courageously stood up against proposed laws discriminating against homosexuals, sharing his faith in Jesus Christ and the power of change, inspiring others to stand firm in their beliefs.
What Yoke are You Wearing?
Jesus invites us to submit, carry the burden of faith, and enter a beneficial relationship with Him through the symbolism of the yoke, offering rest and lightness to those who choose to follow Him.
Matthew 11:25-30
Why We Struggle
The sermon emphasizes the importance of repentance and spiritual growth within the congregation, urging members to prioritize Bible reading, church involvement, and submission to leadership to overcome struggles and move forward.
The Counterfeit Church
Understanding the dangers of cults and the importance of discernment in faith is crucial to protecting oneself from deceptive teachings and false leaders.
Proverbs 14:15
Judge for Yourself
One month after my 16th birthday my father died. He was 53 years old. It was two o'clock in the morning and my mother woke me up saying that she thought my dad was really sick.
Acts 4:19-20
The Consequences of our Choices
What we choose in life often indicates where we are at in our development and what we really want.
Death - Ruth's Example
Even in the face of grief and loss, Christians find comfort in the hope of resurrection, trusting in God's promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
I Corinthians 15
This sermon delves into the concept of peace, highlighting the importance of finding lasting peace through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, emphasizing the necessity of forgiveness in achieving true peace in all aspects of life.
John 14:25-31
Evangelism is Job #1
In this sermon, Mike emphasizes that evangelism is the primary mission of the church, citing Jesus' initial directive to spread the gospel as foundational to all other church ministries, which only become relevant after successful evangelistic efforts have begun.