Most Popular Bible Material

Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
Wholesome Sexuality
What does the Bible say about Sex?
Mike reviews two different types of materialism and how we are to deal with it.
38. When Someone Leaves...
Gain valuable insights on how to handle the challenging situation of dealing with disfellowshipped members, guided by biblical principles and a compassionate approach.
Virtual Sex
A recent survey on the word most commonly used for Internet searches was the word sex. It said that men looked for web sites that featured pornography and women checked out opportunities to talk about...
Total Pointlessness
Tom Whittaker, a mountaineer who lost his leg in a 1979 car accident, continues to climb challenging slopes with the help of a special prosthesis. When interviewed recently he said, "One of the things that really attracts me to mountaineering is its total pointlessness. So I've dedicated my life to it."
7 Lessons from a 7 Day Cold
I have happily recovered from a nasty cold that never seemed to end. The experience led me to think about some very basic things that even the common cold can teach us.
Christian Worship in 150 AD
Justin Martyr was a Samarian Christian who lived in the second century. He was a Platonist philosopher who was converted to Christianity and became a strong defender of the faith. In one of his works, "Apology of the Christian Religion", written in around 150AD, he describes a typical Christian worship service of that day.
Soft Rebellion
There are no new arguments in the effort to expand women's role in the church to include those tasks that have traditionally been given to men. Some women want to lead prayer as well as teach and preach in public assemblies and find sup...
43. Seek the Kingdom
This devotional looks at the profound difference between "keeping" and "seeking" God's kingdom, finding freedom and hope in the promise that those who earnestly seek will ultimately find it.