Bible Verses
Jeremiah 2:13
“For My people have committed two evils:
They have forsaken Me,
The fountain of living waters,
To hew for themselves cisterns,
Broken cisterns
That can hold no water.
Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright © by The Lockman Foundation.
Material Using this Verse
1. Introduction to Jeremiah / Lamentations
In this opening lesson, we will examine the prophet Jeremiah's background as well as his call to ministry and the historical, political, and thematic elements of his time. There will also be some introductory material about Jeremiah's companion book of Lamentations.
4. Temple Sermon and the People's Rejection
This lesson focuses on Jeremiah's bold rebuke of those who thought that the physical presence of the Temple in Jerusalem would protest them despite Jeremiah's warnings of God's imminent punishment due to their disobedience.
Jeremiah 7-17