Pena Capital
20 Results
A Brief History of the Church of Christ in Quebec
This article goes through the History of the church in Quebec from the first Church of Christ planted in Montreal all the way to 2016.
The Celebrity Pope
Pope Francis has good teeth. I noticed this about him in a picture connected with his recent visit to the U.S. This is as it should be for one who strives to be the new face of the Catholic church witnessed by the carefully choreographed Papal appearances in New York and other cities recently.
Cults and Their Effects - Part 2
Understand the history and practices of the Boston Movement, a group that has been described as a cult, and learn how to protect your church by focusing on evangelism, condemning harmful practices, and fostering open communication within the congregation.
Multiplying Ministries
The Boston Church
3. The Rise of King David
In this lesson Mike will trace David's rise to the highpoint of his reign over Israel and his relationship with God as a man after His own heart.
II Samuel 1-10
4. The Decline of King David
This final lesson in II Samuel traces the negative family and national events that were a direct result of David's sin with Bathsheba.
II Samuel 11-24