I Samuel 7
6 Results
1. The Rise of Samuel & the Anointing of Saul
In this opening lesson Mike sets the historical setting for the books of Samuel and traces the rise of Samuel as a judge of Israel and a key figure in the nation's transition from a theocracy to a monarchy.
I Samuel 1-10
3. The Rise of King David
In this lesson Mike will trace David's rise to the highpoint of his reign over Israel and his relationship with God as a man after His own heart.
II Samuel 1-10
Prayer and Fasting
The spiritual use, benefits, and practice of the combined spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting are examined within a biblical context.
Drawing Near to God
Part 1
If you are making an effort to come closer to God, if you are investing your energies into becoming a holier person, you will not have the interest or energy to fight with your brothers or sister in the church.
James 4:8-10