Free Bible Sermons

Full-length sermons on a variety of Bible topics complete with Scripture references, PowerPoint, student worksheets and transcripts.
429 sermons
Prayer and Fasting
The spiritual use, benefits, and practice of the combined spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting are examined within a biblical context.
Every Tribe, Every Tongue
Keynote speech for the 2007 World Mission Workshop at Oklahoma Christian University. The main message is that it is the responsibility of each generation to evangelize the world and today it is possible through modern communication technology (i.e. Internet) to preach the gospel to every nation each day, all day long, until Jesus returns.
Revelation 5:9; 7:9
The Consequences of our Choices
What we choose in life often indicates where we are at in our development and what we really want.
Evangelism and the Life of the Church
Do You Know My Jesus?
I'll share with you how the Holy Spirit evangelized me and what this has meant in my life.
Training for Eternity
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Not Ashamed
This lesson is based on Romans 1:16 and promotes the notion that the church needs to rediscover the manner and core message of the gospel in order to have a true impact on today's world.
Romans 1:16
The Missing Ingredient
We need to listen carefully so we can make sure we have the right recipe for our own hope of eternal life as well.
Mark 10:17-22
Religious Education
How many people here went to Catholic school as children? I ask this because I want to see how many people here today can relate to my own experience growing up in Montreal and going to Catholic school. One of the features of my early education was the presence of religious training.
Essentials of Salvation
Part 1
People who are concerned with their souls don't want to risk losing salvation because of ignorance or neglect. They want to know what the essentials are.
Acts 4:12
Essentials of Salvation
Part 2
In part 1 of this sermon series, I talked about the essentials of salvation. Here are a few key ideas that summarize the lesson. First of all, I mentioned that the trend in religion today is to bring...
Acts 4:12
The Matrix Conspiracy
There is new technology, new gadgets, new ideas about how things work. But as far as the human condition is concerned; as far as what mankind's essential responsibility is; as far as what is truth and the reality of life, death and what comes after --- there really is nothing new here on earth --- under the sun.
Drawing Near to God
Part 2
As Christians we have many challenges before us. Prayer and fasting is the best way we can present these before God.
James 4:8-10
Drawing Near to God
Part 1
If you are making an effort to come closer to God, if you are investing your energies into becoming a holier person, you will not have the interest or energy to fight with your brothers or sister in the church.
James 4:8-10
Setting our Spiritual Goals
This lesson looks at the goals that the church, which meets inside the building, should have.
In Case of War
If we understand the times and circumstances correctly, the time for war has come upon us and as Christians we need to be prepared for this fact.
The Death of a Pope
As you all know Jean Paul II has died at the age of 84. He is the spiritual leader and head of the Roman Catholic Church. It is said that there will be over 1 million people that will visit his body in Rome. The world and especially Catholics see this as an important and historic event, but how are we, as New Testament Christians, to react to the death of this Pope?
Lords of the Ring
Mike gives three tried and true principles that will help you to learn one of life's most important lessons - finishing what you start.
Judge for Yourself
One month after my 16th birthday my father died. He was 53 years old. It was two o'clock in the morning and my mother woke me up saying that she thought my dad was really sick.
Acts 4:19-20
Spiritual Emergencies
Sometimes in our lives, we face spiritual emergencies and I think we need to learn to prepare for these events as well, because everyone at one time or another will .. face a "spiritual" emergency of some kind.
II Samuel 12:7-25
Protecting our Unity
We are united into one group because God has separated us from the world and formed a special body of people who all share a special set of characteristics.
Ten Reasons Not to go to Montreal
Everybody Has a War to Fight
Well, the unprecedented TV coverage of the war no need asking which war has our nation transfixed on the events that are unfolding in the Middle East. I think we're so absorbed with the war against Iraq...
The 5 Chairs
When I was a child, we used to play a game called musical chairs. For those of you who have forgotten, or maybe never played this game, you set up a circle of chairs and start the music. The kids would...
Hebrews 9:27-28
Field of Dreams
John 4:34-35