Womans Roles
16 Results
Soft Rebellion
There are no new arguments in the effort to expand women's role in the church to include those tasks that have traditionally been given to men. Some women want to lead prayer as well as teach and preach in public assemblies and find sup...
27. Can a Woman Baptize Someone, Make Announcements, or Serve Communion?
Exploring the role of women in religious practices such as baptizing, making announcements, and serving communion, while considering the implications of deviating from traditional practices based on biblical teachings.
1. The Preaching of Jesus
Perhaps in examining Jesus' style and approach to this glorious work we can become more of what all of us seek to be, like Him.
Matthew 5:1-2
Difficult Decisions
Multiplying Ministries
The Boston Church
Characteristics of Church
This Hurts me More Than It...
Church Discipline