31 Results
4. The Decline of King David
This final lesson in II Samuel traces the negative family and national events that were a direct result of David's sin with Bathsheba.
II Samuel 11-24
Evangelizing the Postmodern Generation
We are all called to follow Christ in every generation. It is the responsibility of one generation to teach and evangelize the next generation to carry on the mission.
Small Beginnings
Zechariah 4:1-10
10. From Abimelech to Jephthah
Triumphs and Trials of Israels' Judge
Mike reviews the arch of success and failure experienced by some of Israel's best and least known Judges.
Judges 9-12
1. The Rise of Samuel & the Anointing of Saul
In this opening lesson Mike sets the historical setting for the books of Samuel and traces the rise of Samuel as a judge of Israel and a key figure in the nation's transition from a theocracy to a monarchy.
I Samuel 1-10
2. The Rise and Fall of King Saul
This lesson summarizes the familiar history of the relationship between Israel's first two kings, Saul and David. There is also information concerning God's choice of Saul and lessons for the church today based on these leaders of long ago.
I Samuel 11-31