54 Results
Evangelizing Homosexuals
We need to evangelize this growing number of people but are usually hard-pressed to know where to begin. This lesson provides some information towards this end.
The Unholy Blessing of Same-Sex Marriage
A review of the progress of the same-sex marriage crusade along with what this means for Christians going forward.
Pro's and Con's of Promise Keepers
The Single Priority
Every Tribe, Every Tongue
Keynote speech for the 2007 World Mission Workshop at Oklahoma Christian University. The main message is that it is the responsibility of each generation to evangelize the world and today it is possible through modern communication technology (i.e. Internet) to preach the gospel to every nation each day, all day long, until Jesus returns.
Revelation 5:9; 7:9
Wholesome Sexuality
What does the Bible say about Sex?
Loneliness is a catchword for a variety of feelings associated with being by oneself. The "feelings" associated with being alone are usually caused by the reasons why a person finds themselves alone to begin with.
The Good Steward
Growing Pains