66 Results
This Hurts me More Than It...
Church Discipline
Church discipline is a crucial aspect of maintaining doctrinal integrity and moral standards within the congregation, requiring patience, gentleness, and firmness when addressing issues such as false teachings, sin, and disruptive behavior.
Pro's and Con's of Promise Keepers
A group called Promise Keepers is discussed, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of the movement, urging individuals to examine teachings in light of Scripture and consider the importance of staying true to biblical principles.
In God We Trust
If we're going to trust anything, then we need to trust in God.
Celebrating the "Giving" in Thanksgiving
Mike explains why giving is the essential ingredient in thanksgiving.
Presidential Privilege
The text discusses the reactions and defenses surrounding allegations against a president, prompting reflection on biblical teachings about adultery, God's impartiality, and the responsibilities of leaders, emphasizing the need for godly leadership in the nation.