God S Love
75 Results
The Growth Bug
Cornbread Kindness
What to Expect
Soul Saving Speech
I Thessalonians 2:1-12
Feelin' Fine in 99
Salted Speech
Being effective in sharing our faith requires that we salt all our speech with grace, not just know the facts about religion.
I Thessalonians 2:1-12
Evangelism and the Life of the Church
Do You Know My Jesus?
I'll share with you how the Holy Spirit evangelized me and what this has meant in my life.
Mary - The Single Parent
A look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a woman, wife, and ultimately, a widow.
Evangelism is Job #1
In this sermon, Mike emphasizes that evangelism is the primary mission of the church, citing Jesus' initial directive to spread the gospel as foundational to all other church ministries, which only become relevant after successful evangelistic efforts have begun.
The Good Steward