
Body Of Christ
77 Results
The Dream Church
The ideal church, as described in the New Testament, is characterized by a single leader, Jesus Christ, a unified body, a commitment to holiness, a mission to preach the gospel, and a systematic approach to fulfilling this mission, inviting individuals to reflect on their role in becoming part of this dream church.
When I review the qualities in men who are fathers, the one that I find most appealing and helpful for the well-being of the family is a man's ability and willingness to be a servant-leader.
How to Correct Sinful Christians
Mike emphasizes the importance of addressing the struggles of sin within the church community, particularly for long-standing Christians, while shifting the focus from evangelism to support and guidance for those already in the faith, using Paul's letter to the Corinthians as a foundational reference.
Biblical Baptism
Bible Basics
Explore the essential elements of biblical salvation, from the significance of repentance as a transformative relationship with Christ to the diverse and debated views on baptism, and discover the unified doctrine presented in the New Testament.
Acts 2:38
Evangelizing the Postmodern Generation
We are all called to follow Christ in every generation. It is the responsibility of one generation to teach and evangelize the next generation to carry on the mission.
Pro's and Con's of Promise Keepers
A group called Promise Keepers is discussed, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of the movement, urging individuals to examine teachings in light of Scripture and consider the importance of staying true to biblical principles.
What Would We be Doing
A sermon reflecting on the potential for greater works in the church, urging for visionary leadership, commitment, and willingness to pay the price to achieve what could be done.
Brown Bag Christmas
Mike reflects on the Christmas season's approach, noting its lack of biblical endorsement, its pagan origins, and how various customs associated with Christmas have been reinterpreted to hold Christian significance, emphasizing the need to prepare spiritually for the holiday despite its historical complexities.
Field of Dreams
Mike envisions a congregation that leads by example in holy living, growth, service, and evangelism, inspiring others to follow suit and build upon this vision for the future.
John 4:34-35
Realizing the Vision
In 1997, the church in Choctaw focuses on personal salvation and readiness for Christ's return, encouraging each individual to be a regular Bible reader and actively participate in church activities to maintain unity and spiritual growth.
To Proclaim and Serve
A meaningful sermon emphasizing the importance of projecting a positive church image to the community and working towards being a caring and welcoming congregation.
Repentance is a Revolution
Bible Basics
Mike explains how true repentance goes beyond feeling sorrow for sins—it's about a complete transformation of heart and lifestyle. He emphasizes that repentance is a bold, revolutionary act that turns one's life toward God, creating lasting change. This lesson challenges believers to rethink their understanding of repentance and embrace it as a powerful force for spiritual growth.
Acts 2:38
Every Tribe, Every Tongue
Keynote speech for the 2007 World Mission Workshop at Oklahoma Christian University. The main message is that it is the responsibility of each generation to evangelize the world and today it is possible through modern communication technology (i.e. Internet) to preach the gospel to every nation each day, all day long, until Jesus returns.
Revelation 5:9; 7:9
Drawing Near to God
Part 2
As Christians we have many challenges before us. Prayer and fasting is the best way we can present these before God.
James 4:8-10
The Cost of Church Growth
Mike emphasizes the importance of personal sacrifice for growth and invites the audience to reflect on the sacrifices made by past members, urging them to consider the cost of growth at various levels within the congregation.
Evangelism and the Life of the Church
Do You Know My Jesus?
I'll share with you how the Holy Spirit evangelized me and what this has meant in my life.
Setting our Spiritual Goals
This lesson looks at the goals that the church, which meets inside the building, should have.
The New You
In I Corinthians 6 Paul talks about a radical change that is possible and permanent and describes the three steps that lead to this new you.
I Corinthians 6:9-11
The Unholy Blessing of Same-Sex Marriage
A review of the progress of the same-sex marriage crusade along with what this means for Christians going forward.