99 Results
Why I Love my Father – God
Embrace the profound reasons shared for loving the heavenly Father and consider how your own relationship with Him can be enriched through simple acts of faith and devotion.
Decisions, Decisions
Consider the impact of your decisions on your faith, family, and future to ensure they align with your values and lead you towards spiritual growth and blessings.
Judas: The Epilogue
Reflecting on the consequences of Judas' betrayal, it is crucial not to excuse his actions but to learn from his mistakes and strive for faithfulness in our own lives.
What My Sore Back Has Taught Me
Embrace the wisdom gained from living with pain and discover the hidden lessons that can bring you closer to a deeper appreciation of life and faith.
Not All Will Die
Reflect on the transformation awaiting believers when Jesus returns, reminding us that faithfulness in life is more crucial than the timing of our physical existence.
My Retirement
Embrace the perspective shift on retirement and discover the hidden treasures of this phase by offering it to the Lord with wisdom and faith.
Him or Me
Reflect on the choices presented in life and consider whether your actions will please God or simply gratify yourself, as the battle against temptation becomes clearer when we question whose pleasure we are seeking to fulfill.