
The live broadcasting schedule for
6. Jonah
Part 1
In this first part of Jonah's book, Mike will review the good and bad traits of Jonah's character as well as how these play against his most unusual experience in the belly of a fish.
20. How to Help the Unsaved Die
Several years ago, a Christian woman asked me what she could do for her father, who was not a Christian, and who was dying of cancer. After prayer, and some serious soul-searching, I provided her with...
7. Jonah
Part 2
We finish up Jonah's book with a series of lessons applied to the prophet's contemporaries as well as helpful insights for the modern reader of today.
21. Effective Prayer
In Matthew 6:9, Jesus is teaching His disciples how to pray. "Pray, then, in this way:" This was not so much the teaching of what words to say because the Jews were trained to memorize the psalms and...
8. Nahum / Habakkuk
Both Nahum and Habakkuk are unusual in that they spoke primarily about the foreign nations of Assyria and Babylonia (Chaldeans) and how God would both use and deal with these empires.
22. Trust is like a Rope
In the Old Testament the word for trusting faith was a Hebrew word that meant a rope. I'd like to use this imagery to explain something about how trust is built and how trust is destroyed.
9. Zephaniah / Haggai
Mike reviews the work of the last prophet to serve before the destruction of Jerusalem (Zephaniah) and the first prophet to speak to the exiles who returned home after 70 years of captivity (Haggai).
23. A Father's Prayer
Over the years I've learned that each child has specific needs and, as a father who knows his children, I often pray for God to bless them in particular ways. If I had but one prayer to make, however,...
10. Zechariah / Malachi
In this last lesson, Mike reviews the longest book of the Minor Prophets and the last prophet to speak in the Old Testament.
24. Raising Christian Kids
It seems that older people are the ones who are interested in religion and younger ones have little time for spiritual things.
1. Introduction
In this first lesson Mike will introduce the fourth and fifth books of the Pentateuch and examine their main characteristics as well as their similarities and differences.
25. Lap Talk
My youngest was feeling a little low last week. The teacher sent home a long list of things that had been forgotten, ignored and left incomplete.
2. Preparing to Depart
This lesson reviews the instructions God gave the Israelites concerning a census, the order for camps, travel and the responsibilities of both the priests and Levites.
Numbers 1-4
26. What is Maturity?
An important topic that parents and teens often discuss is what is, or is not, mature. Parents and teens do not have the same idea about what maturity actually means. Teens think that maturity means having...
3. From Sinai to Kadesh
The title of this lesson mentions the place where Israel left after camping for a year (Sinai) and the locale (Kadesh in the wilderness of Paran) where many events that shaped their lives occurred. This lesson reviews several of these experiences.
Numbers 5-12
27. The Good Idea of America
​In July of 1776 the American Congress approved the Declaration of the Independence of the 13 United States of America. One of the key figures behind the Declaration was Thomas Jefferson, whose writing in "Defense of Liberty and Rights of Man" was the intellectual force behind the Revolution.
4. Rebellion and Leadership
This lesson covers the principle events from the spies mission in surveying the Promised Land to the deaths of Miriam and Aaron as the Israelites near the end of their wilderness wanderings.
Numbers 13-20
28. Forever Praise
Let's begin our week by reading a psalm of praise. 1Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart, In the company of the upright and in the assembly. 2Great are the works of the Lord...
Psalm 111
5. Journey to the Plains of Moab
These chapters highlight the various events that prepare the second generation of Jewish people for their entry into the Promised Land after 40 years in the wilderness.
Numbers 21-27
29. No Good Time to Die
When I lived in Montréal, I remember a shocking news story about a young woman who died instantly when a piece of concrete fell on her as she was eating supper with her husband in a downtown restaurant...
6. Preparing to Enter the Promised Land
In the final lesson for the Book of Numbers, Mike details the various preparations made by the Jewish people before finally entering the Promised Land.
Numbers 28-36
30. The Rod of Discipline
In Proverbs 13:24 Solomon writes: He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently.- Proverbs 13:24 The rod spoken of here was a very meaningful image in the Old...
31. Friendship Stew
In an article entitled, "Enjoying the Enduring Magic of Long-Term Friendship," Katherine Lowry lists several important ingredients found in friendships that are able to last for many years. 1. Going through...
32. Before You Say "Why Not"
When faced with a decision to do something or get involved in some scheme or plan, people sometimes base their choice on the popular saying "why not?" When they cannot make up their minds they jump into...
33. How to Persevere in Preaching
5 indispensable rules that pave the way for your present-day survival and future prosperity as a preacher.
34. Wednesday Night: What's in it for me?
The Wednesday night service is as inconvenient a habit as you can have. You have to rush home from work and rush through supper or delay supper until late.
35. She was a Good Dog
Bristo, a female Boxer belonging to our eldest daughter, died recently from a combination of age (13 years) and various ailments that are common in dogs of that type. Everyone in our family was fond of...
36. The Problem of Procrastination
Tell me what kind of person is talking here… "I will do it later"; "I will watch the movie, then finish the work"; "tomorrow"; "next time"; "You want me to do it now?"… Of course, these...
37. The Suicide Doctor
One of the more gruesome characters who appeared in the new several years ago was a man they called "The Suicide Doctor" or "Doctor Death." His real name was Dr. Jack Kevorkian. He helped people consciously...
38. When Someone Leaves...
Recently, we have gone through the painful experience of having to withdraw from one of our members because he refused to repent from sin and had left the assembly. This caused many members to ask questions...
39. Miracles Don't Save
In Luke 17:19 we have the story of Jesus healing a leper. After this miracle, Jesus said to the man "Your faith has saved you." In other words, the miracle healed his body but it was the man's faith in...
40. Guarding Against Greed
Be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.- Luke 12:15 In this passage, the Lord warns us to guard against greed. In...
41. Ministering to the Minister
Several years ago, I was visiting a congregation whose "prime" had passed. The attendance was half of what it used to be as empty pews marked the places where entire families once sat. The singing only...
42. Kissing Up
There is a modern expression that describes an old human need. The expression is "kissing up" and it means to curtsy or cultivate favor with a superior. The human need is, of course, the need to be liked...
43. Seek the Kingdom
In Matthew 6:31-33 Jesus said the following: This passage is the summary to a long section in which Jesus compares the experience of being in the kingdom of God under the grace of God and living in the...
44. True Awakenings
In 1990 there was an unusual movie called "Awakenings" with Robert De Niro and Robin Williams. It was about a man who, for some reason, was in a coma for years and then suddenly came out of it for a while...
45. How Important is 1 Vote?
Sometimes when we listen to the news and they talk about the number of people there are in the world and the magnitude of the problems, we feel rather insignificant.
46. Freedom from Sin
What does Paul mean when he says that we have been freed from sin; that we become slaves to righteousness?
47. Honor to Whom it is Due
Many years ago I took a trip in one of our church vans. When the weather suddenly changed and it began to rain so hard that the windshield wipers couldn't keep up. It was about 10 p.m. and I was riding...
48. A 1,000 Choices Along the Way
As Christians, we eventually learn that there are always choices to make if you want to follow God's way. A thousand little decisions: to hold your tongue, to avoid certain websites, to make an effort...
49. Living on the Brink of Hope
When our children were young, during the weeks preceding Christmas, I watched them as they counted down the days, hours, and minutes until that special moment when the "gifts" were opened. For days they...
50. Psalm of Suffering
In Psalm 6, David the king of Israel, goes through a range of emotions as he suffers from an undisclosed illness.
Psalm 6
51. Promised / Not Promised
I remember Christmas disappointments; left-winger equipment instead of goalie equipment; toboggan instead of pool table... Anybody remember theirs? The problem many times as children is that we are not clear on what was promised.
52. Dealing with Pain at Christmas
Perhaps the reason why Christmas time is "special" is because, for some reason or other, everything seems more intense at Christmas. We spend more, eat more, even take off work days. Have you even noticed...
53. Look for the Rainbow
The disastrous floods that ravage various parts of the world each year remind us of the catastrophic deluge that God once used to destroy the earth in the days of Noah. When surveying the destruction...