The live broadcasting schedule for
2. The Rise and Fall of King Saul
This lesson summarizes the familiar history of the relationship between Israel's first two kings, Saul and David. There is also information concerning God's choice of Saul and lessons for the church today based on these leaders of long ago.
I Samuel 11-31
Life in the Meantime
Solomon explains how one can live successfully through the long dry periods in between the high and low moments in life.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-22
3. The Rise of King David
In this lesson Mike will trace David's rise to the highpoint of his reign over Israel and his relationship with God as a man after His own heart.
II Samuel 1-10
4. The Decline of King David
This final lesson in II Samuel traces the negative family and national events that were a direct result of David's sin with Bathsheba.
II Samuel 11-24
1. Solomon's Glory and Fall
In this first lesson on the book of I Kings, Mike traces both the rise and decline of Israel's most dynamic and famous king, Solomon.
I Kings 1-11
2. The Divided Kingdom
This lesson traces the history of the Divided Kingdom with the initial break during Rehoboam's reign (Solomon to the rule of the worst king's son) of the Northern Kingdom, Ahab and his evil wife Jezebel.
I Kings 12-22
3. The Fall of Israel and Judah
Part 1
This lesson briefly reviews the reigns of both northern and southern kings noting each ruler's faithfulness and significant activity taking place under their rule.
II Kings 1-17
4. The Fall of Israel and Judah
Part 2
In this final lesson, Mike will summarize the lives and rule of the remaining kings of Judah before its defeat and captivity, as well as provide a description of Jewish life while in exile.
II Kings 18-25
1. Introduction to Chronicles
In this introductory lesson Mike reviews the various features and history of Chronicles as well as a special focus on the purpose, meaning and manner of producing the many "genealogies" found in this book.
I Chronicles 1-9
2. David's Rise and Reign
This lesson groups together the events in King David's life that appear in several books of that period (Samuel, Kings, Chronicles) as well as accounts that are exclusively found in Chronicles.
I Chronicles 10-29
3. The Kings of Judah
This one lesson overview provides a summary of the kings who ruled the Southern Kingdom of Judah with emphasis on their role in God's plan to ultimately fulfill His promises to bring the Messiah to the world.
II Chronicles 1-36
1. General Introduction to Proverbs
This first lesson on the book of Proverbs will examine various types of ancient wisdom literature as well as the contribution of Proverbs to the writers of the New Testament and finish with info as to the author, date and presentation of these records through the centuries.
2. The Call and Personification of Wisdom
This first look at the text reveals how Solomon personifies "wisdom" as a women calling out for attention and rewards given to those who carefully respond.
Proverbs 1-9
3. Hebrew Poetry and a Life of Righteousness and Fear of the Lord
In this lesson, Mike reviews the elements peculiar to Hebrew poetry (the format for this book) and explains the two main themes found in chapters 10-18 of Solomon's collection of proverbs.
Proverbs 10-18
4. Wisdom for Speech, Words, and Work
Mike provides practical lessons from Proverbs to guide each of us in the every day challenge of living our best lives for Christ.
Proverbs 19-25
5. Wisdom for Relationships, Wealth and Contentment
In this lesson Mike focuses on the many proverbs that instruct us concerning those things that have the power to make our lives joyful or bitter, all depending how we approach relationships and wealth.
Proverbs 26-31
6. Wisdom Against Foolishness and for Christlikeness
The final lesson in the series reviews one last failing that wisdom guards us from and explores the affinity shared by all those who seek the knowledge of Christ with the wisdom of Solomon.
1. The Foundation of Love
In this first lesson Mike reviews the unique aspects of Hebrew poetry, provides a critical introduction to this work and begins to explain and develop the twin themes of respect and restraint contained in the first two chapters of Solomon's ode to human love.
Song of Solomon 1:1-2:7
2. Love in Bloom
In this lesson we examine more closely the excitement of love's pursuit, the guardrails the God has provided for this phase and some practical advice for those at every point of love's journey.
Song of Solomon 2:8-3:5
3. The Celebration of Marriage
This lesson focuses on the beauty of the marital covenant and the blessed joy of intimacy in marriage.
Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1
4. The Endurance of Love
In this final lesson, Solomon reminds us that true love endures not only because of passion but also because the couple have cultivated other important qualities that must be present if a marriage is to both flourish and endure.
Song of Solomon 5:2-8:14
1. Introduction to Jeremiah / Lamentations
In this opening lesson, we will examine the prophet Jeremiah's background as well as his call to ministry and the historical, political, and thematic elements of his time. There will also be some introductory material about Jeremiah's companion book of Lamentations.
2. Jeremiah's Call and Missions
In this lesson we will focus on Jeremiah's calling into ministry, God's assurance that He will provide for the task Jeremiah will be given to carry out and the prophetic role in encouraging people to trust and obey God, even in difficult circumstances.
Jeremiah 1
3. Isreal's Unfaithfulness and God's Judgment
In this lesson we explore the familiar theme of Israel's unfaithfulness witnessed by their gross idolatry, God's sure judgment and call for repentance as well as His abundant mercy available for those who repent.
Jeremiah 2-6